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Recipes with Salt

Mains Pepper Salt Crushed rose pepper ...

Dip the fish with the juice from the lime and sprinkle the grated gratin, rosemary, salt and pepper. Grill or fry for 8-10 minutes. (First with the skinside then and only 1 min on the meat side). Served mashed potatoes with a fork and mix with sour cream and r

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

The fillets are divided into smaller pieces and seasoned with salt and pepper. The bread is crumbled and stirred with oil, lemon juice and the blue mold cheese. This also mixes the pesto. Fill the fillets in a refractory dish and lubricate the mixture. T

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Pour the liquid from the tomatoes and cut into smaller pieces. Cut the pear into thin rings (can be replaced by spring bulbs). Mix tomatoes, porcelain, capers and cream fraiche. It should preferably be 38% cream fraiche, as it does not differ. Season with salt

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Mix flour, peppers, salt and pepper, pan the fish here and raise it. Chop jalapeño (fresh or pickled) and stir with mayonnaise, creme fraiche and lime juice. Serve the fish with the cold sauce together with rice and salad.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Sprinkle the salmon fillets with salt and pepper on the meat side. Step with the skinside down for approx. 8 min. Then turn the meat side down for approx. 1 min. Half the tomatoes, remove the kernels and cut the tomato meat in the tern. Saute tomatoes and shre

Mains Lemon Oil Pepper ...

Mix flour and spices and pan the fillets in it. Red pepper or squid can also be used. Stir the fillets for approx. 5 min. Be careful not to turn them too early - they crumble. Serve fish fillets with a lemon boat, new potatoes and grated carrot salad.

Mains Cream Fresh basil Oil/butter ...

Redfish fillets are rinsed and dipped dry and seasoned with salt. Leave the fish to stir in a mixture of oil and butter on the skin side for approx. 4 min. - the meat side must be food In the first minute of the cooking time, it is an advantage to squeeze the

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Oil Pepper ...

The salmon fillets are rinsed and dried dry. Season with salt and pepper and stir the fish in oil and butter, 2-3 min. on every side. The paws are cut into 6-8 cm spelled and blanched shortly in lets-swollen water. Onions and apples are cut into the tern an