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Recipes with Plaice fillets

Mains Hvidløgsost White wine Red Peppers ...

Turn on the oven at 200 degrees. Advantage white løgsost on plaice fillets and season with salt and pepper. Roll the fish fillets together and put them in a dish. Cut the peppers into strips and put them on top of the fish the rollers. Pour white wine and s

Mains Pepper Whipped cream Salt ...

Rinse the fillets in running water. Butter/put fiskefarsen on, and roll the fish together. Start by rolling the fish from tail. Team possibly. fish rollers together with toothpicks. Set of rollers close together in a frying pan, sprinkle with the butter roa

Appetizers Eggs Dill Fresh lime both ...

Tube mayonaise and sour cream together. Season with tomato concentrate, pepper and lime juice. Cut the tomatoes into fine cubes, rinse and chop/pressure white buds. 'S the Chili's of cores and chop them finely. Stir it all together. Scallions cleaned and cut i

Appetizers Lemon juice Dill Green Salad ...

Fish fillets rolled together and fastened with a tooth stick and steamed until tender in salted water for about 10 mins. They cooled. Steam the mussels until they open it. Cook the prawns and let aspargesen and willow run off. Put washed lettuce leave

Appetizers Dill Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Fish fillets rolled together from the tail and be fastened with a toothpick. Fish fillets steamed in white wine, added a little salt until tender. It can be done in the oven or in a pan with a lid. Beware the fish not boiling in pieces. Lagen sies from crayfis

Mains The Spice routes URf.eks. tarragon or chives Salt Egg white ...

Cut the salmon into smaller cubes. Got it in a food processor and sprinkle salt over. Run at high speed for 10 seconds to fish collects in a small lump. Turn on again and slowly pour the egg white in-however, max 10 sec. Splash of tabasco and sprinkle with a l

Mains White pepper Salt Cream cheese ...

Mix flødeosten with parsley, chives, salt and pepper Favour the stuffing on the fillets and roll them together Put the fillets in a dish and cover the dish. Steam the fish in the microwave at 800 Watts for approx. 3 minutes. Server which dish with potatoes

Mains Tarragon Pasta Chives ...

Rinse and dry the plaice fillets. Stir the butter with salt, tarragon, dill and chives. Favor butter mixture on the fillets and roll them together. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mushrooms into slices. Sauté the vegetables