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Recipes with Great chicken

Mains Pepper Salt Ground saffron ...

Allow the oil to be hot. Brown the chicken pieces, add the cinnamon and tomatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the broth by. Let the flesh tingle, covered, for 40 minutes. Com prunes, raisins, honey, ginger and saffron in a small saucepan along with 1 ½ d

Mains Pepper Salt White port wine ...

Share the chicken in the neighborhood and rub them with salt and pepper. Brown the pieces on all sides in butter in a frying pan. Grate also pine kernels in it. Pour the wine and add the cream. Let the right bugs, covered, for about 1 hour. Season with salt an

Mains Pepper Salt Small hvidkåls main ...

Cut the chicken into serving pieces. Cut the cabbage into fine strips. Com cabbage and chicken in a saucepan with sliced onions, syrup, vinegar, salt and pepper. Pour broth into. Let it spin at low heat, covered, in 45-50 min. Taste right and serve it with who

Mains Ground pepper Sugar Great chicken ...

The chicken is cut into 6-8 pieces. The marinade mix. Chicken pieces put into the Bowl-marinade poured over. The marinade should cover the chicken pieces. The bowl is covered with a lid/aluminum foil and made cool in 24 hours. Take out the marinated chicken pi

Mains Pepper Salt Saffron threads bumped ...

Fill-Pipe water in couscous grynene and let them stand 5 minutes – pipes regularly – or to the water is absorbed. Stir in the other ingredients for the filling in. Put the stuffing in the chicken, and close with kødnåle. The oil is heated in a pot, which ca

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon ...

Cut the chicken through, so there will be 2 half. Wash the lemon and grate the yellow of the shell. Arrow white onions and cut them into slices. Gently loosen the skin from the chicken meat and garlic pieces into slot beneath the skin. Rub the chicken with the

Mains Lemon peel thereof Great chicken Water ...

Put potatoes in both, leeks and mushrooms into slices in a greased ovenproof dish. Pour water, sprinkle with salt and pepper, and put it in the oven at 200 ° for ½ hour. Share the chicken into 8 pieces and place them over the vegetables. Sprinkle thyme, grated

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The chicken in the cutting in 4-8 share reversed in flour and Brown in margarine. Onions sliced and cooked in a pan until they are clear. The chickens be now over in the pan with onions and add 2 cups broth, season with salt and pepper. It all must now simmer