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Recipes with Gin

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Apricot brandy Calvados ...

Mix the ingredients in a tall glass. Stir well. Garnish with an orange slice.

Drinks (cold) Plenty of ice Angustura Orange juice ...

It all poured into a glass and stir well together

Drinks (cold) Cointreau Freshly squeezed lemon juice Gin ...

Getting all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Grenadine Cointreau Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Getting all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Lime-lemon or orange slice Campari Gin ...

Got all three ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass. Garnish with lime, lemon or orange slice.

Drinks (cold) Limebåd Roses lime cordial Gin ...

Come on gin and Roses in a shaker filled with ice. Shake vigorously and si in a highball glass. Garnish with a little limebåd.

Drinks (cold) Lemon twist Vermouth Gin ...

First pour the vermouth and then freezer cold gin straight up in cocktail glass. Inserts a twist of a usprøjtet lemon, squeeze the oil out of it over the glass and came Peal in afterwards. Olive should not crash into the glass but is eaten.

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Grape beer Amaretto di saronno ...

Mix all ingredients and pour into the glass, served with crushed ice. Tips: Glass: tall glass