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Recipes with Chestnuts

Mains Cream Chestnuts Blackberries ...

Blackberries, sugar and ½ dl water are warmed together for approx. 1 hour. Bring the medallions with high heat, pour the blackberry over and put it in a preheated oven of 220 °. Especially a small cross in the top of each chestnut put all of them on salt

Soups Freshly ground black pepper Salt Smoked lard ...

Soak the peas 12 hours in water. Pour the water off and let them drip well. Bring them to a pan with celery, bay leaves and 2 tablespoons olive oil. Add water and cook at low heat for approx. 90 minutes until the liquid is reduced to 1/3. Meanwhile, chestnuts

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Stitching of beef steak fillet Turn on the oven to 250o and keep it warm. Put the steps in a greased, refractory dish that matches the size of the steps. Put the dish in the oven and brown the beef roast fillet for 10-15 minutes. Then season the steps with sa

Mains Garlic pepper A little parsley Paprika ...

First make the sauce: Season onions and mushrooms in butter, add red wine, tomato concentrate, broth and cream. Boil well and season with spices and possibly. Little cognac. Sweep 2 slices of bacon about each ostrich diet and get them with toothpicks. Thor

Cakes in form Miscellaneous Fill Egg yolk ...

Make a meal of flour, butter, flour and egg yolk. Set it cold for 1 hour. The chestnuts are cut with a cross in the top and shaken on a plate in the oven at 200 degrees. Let them cool. The chestnuts are peeled off and the fainted skin removed. Steam chestnuts

Mains Phase ring Cream Giblets from the goose ...

Dip the goose well and rub it inside with salt and pepper Cut a cross at the pointed end of the chestnuts and boil them in leachate water about 10 minutes. Peel the skull and the brown skin roughly with a knife. Chop the meat and meat 2 times. Mix it with the

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Cut a cross into the top of the chestnuts, place them in a hot oven until the skull breaks, remove the shells and brown barrels and cook them until they are tender - 20-30 min. Chop them nicely. The chopped onion, the celery celery and the crumbled french brea

Mains EVS. Cognac Giblets from the bird The oil or fat 10 slices ...

The cleaned turkey is sprinkled inside with salt and pepper. The chestnuts are scratched and placed on the grid in the oven for 15 minutes. By 225 gr until the skull and brown skin can be pulled off. The chestnuts are boiled for 10 min. In the soup and mashed