Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Celery

Appetizers Carrot Onion Pepper ...

Scallops steamed in white wine with brunoise of carrot, celery, leeks and onions. Clams and herb is lifted up in the mashed potatoes to be sprayed. Fund smoothed over easily, add dijon mustard, salt, pepper and sour cream. Fitted with a little hollandais

Sides Pepper Salt Vegetable broth (1 cube) ...

1. Potatoes and root vegetables peeled and cut into smaller pieces. 2. Boil until tender about 15 minutes in salted water. 3. Pour boiling water from and save a part of the 4. Mash the vegetables eg. through the chopping machine. 5. stir in the broth in the 6.

Mains Pepper Salt Celery ...

Brown meat in butter and oil in a large frying pan of sometimes are taken up. Onion, garlic, celery and carrots in the Pan fry lightly together. the spices and tomato paste in the meat and put it back into the pan. Boiling water is poured in, so the meat is

Sides Pepper Water Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and celery cut them into thick slices Cook both in tender water without salt pour water from steam potatoes and celery and dry mash potatoes and celery with a hand mixer or a whisk karftigt kartofflemoser hot milk and whisk it into the potato

Soups Salt Sparesuppe or 1 l. water Sugar ...

clean the herbs cut into strips (Leek in rings) and dry them in a clean towel melt the margarine in a saucepan and let the vegetables (porreingene exempted) lash herein without Brown pour boiling water over soup volume visken El. komden and porreringene on the

Soups Carrot Water Potatoes ...

Rinse the peas and set them in the soft c. 24 hours in cold (preferably boiled) water Bring the peas to a boil slowly in udblødnings the water together with the peeled and shredded potatoes and herbs (carrot, however, completely cooked) cook over low heat f

Mains Peeled tomatoes Garlic Chops (4-5 pieces) ...

The meat is seasoned with salt and pepper and FRY on the forehead. Then placed in a baking dish the carrots and celery cut into cubes and FRY in a small saucepan. Then add the peeled tomatoes (will be extra good if they blended), 1 clove pressed garlic, Basil

Mains Pepper Parsley (chopped) Salt ...

Peel and slice the celery into cubes and boil until tender (the water is stored for gravy). The same thing with the potatoes. The eggs boil (hard) the eggs are shared and the yolk will be saved for garnish. White cut into cubes. Breakfast sausage/ham cut into