Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Wheat flour

Lunch Spice Salt Water ...

Tartar Dried with flour, margarine water and a little salt. About half of the dough is rolled out and a frying pan is added. Potatoes peel and cut thinly - preferably on food processes. The onions are cut and mixed with the potatoes and filled into the pie.

Bread, buns & biscuits Salt Melted cooled butter (not magarine) Danish water ...

Yeast is piped out with a little Danish water, salt is stirred in, cooled butter is stirred and sugar is brought in, the rest of the Danish water comes in and it will shower up. Mel comes in a little at a time and kneaded until the dough is smooth. Raises for

Cookies Hazelnuts Salt Eggs ...

Butter, dye, sugar is stirred together. Eggs (from the refrigerator), flour, cocoa, vanilla, soda and salt are added. Melted chocolate added. Chopped chocolate and possibly. Chopped hazelnuts or almonds or other kinds of nuts are added. Put on plates with

Cakes Hasselnøddemel Caramelized pears Dark cane sugar ...

Linsedej: Crumble butter, hazelnut flour, flour flour and flour and mix the dough with egg whipped egg. Leave it cool for at least 2 hours. Caramelized pears: Put a thick pot over heat, add honey, apple vinegar and ginger and let it bubble up to caramel.

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Turn the chops in flour and sprinkle with peppers, salt and pepper. They roasted in the oil until they have become golden. Then put the chops in the dish. Turn on the oven at 200 ° C. The loaf is chopped and the bacon cut into pieces and swabbed in a saucepa

Cakes Baking soda Wheat flour Eggs ...

Pour water into a bowl and put eggs, baking soda and vanilla powder around. Pour the flour slightly at a time until it is thick but still flowing. Bring it to a greased fireproof dish and sprinkle sugar. Begins at 200 degrees for 33 min. (Tip it and see if som

Bread, buns & biscuits 1 tsp. comments or fenikel Baking soda Pumpkin seeds ...

Mix all the ingredients together. Place half of the dough on some baking paper and put a piece of baking paper on top, roll the dough out and cut it into squares approx. 5 times 5 cm. Remove the top layer of baking paper and place on a baking sheet, repeat the

Cakes Canola oil Brown baking soda Large cooking apples ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees Peel the apples, remove the kernels and cut the apples into the tern, about 2 times 2 cm. Mix flour, brown dough, baking soda in a bowl. Turn the apples into the flour mixture. Stir eggs and oil together in a bowl and turn th