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Recipes with Water

Desserts (warm) Water Sugar Egg yolks ...

Come on sugar and water in a saucepan and stir over low flame until sugar is dissolved. Boil up and boil again, to sugar sirup will be ready and the texture thicker. Twisting the egg yolks through a muslin cloth into a bowl. Got a bit of egg mixture in an icin

Sides Peanuts Lemon grass Ginger ...

Peel the ginger and lemon grass and chop it finely. Chop the nuts coarsely ground. Melt the butter in a pan and sauté the rice in 2 minutes. Add the coconut milk, water, Lemongrass, salt and ginger. Put the lid on and let it cook for 10 minutes. Let the ric

Mains Pepper Salt Strong Mint ...

Preparation of squid: the offal taken out and the smaller arms can possibly. used in conjunction with the white envelope, which is the body. These cut into rings. We cannot get fresh squid, one can make do with the rings, which can be purchased frozen, but the

Desserts (cold) Water Sugar Egg yolks ...

Boil sugar and water on low heat to all bubbles is work, it takes ca. 8-10 min. Whisk egg yolks together and pass them through a fabric dress. Form a cone of parchment, as when to make very thin glaze drawing on the cakes. Came the egg mass in it a little at a

Mains Eggs Spring onions Little chicken at ca. 1100 g ...

Start by cooking the rice according to instructions on the package, and refrigerate them, like the next day. for 4 people, approx. 1 kg cold cooked rice. Udben the chicken, take the skin off and cut the kyllingekøddet out in small strips. Chop the onion and

Cakes in form Cognac Sugar Apricot jam ...

Knead the mørdejen together, and let the rest cold. Peel the apples, cut them into both 6 and remove the carpels. Boil water, sugar, cognac, butter, citroncaft and vanilliesukker together in a saucepan. Add Apple boats and boil them to mush under the lid. C

Candy Sugar Water Almonds, usmuttede ...

water, sugar and almonds are met on a forehead, that screwed up on full flame. sugar brine is boiled in, while there is stirred into the medium. At one point "crumbles" sugar brine. Now there must be screwed down to the heat and the tonsils reversed constan

Bread, buns & biscuits Water Salt Eggs ...

first put you 2 share. water in and after 4 share. flour that puttets salt in just a snivsbis salt which for eggs to be 2 eggs in milk in 3 part must also be deer. in you must smoke and put a sjet water in again just a half share. also you will need to let it