Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Sauces Any liquid calf or beef broth similar to 1 1/2 bouillon cube A bit of blue cheese max 4 g Herbes de provence ...

Make a simple font with 1 / 2l. Water, chopped, broth, carrot (only half cut) and herbes de Provence (1 teaspoon). Let it simmer 1 hour. Make a white flour with the flour and the butter added to the fund and the cream ... (remember to say the fund for onion

Mains Suit Paprika Pepper ...

Arrow and heel loosened roughly. Melt the fat or warm the oil into a pan and brown the onions in it. Add the chopped beef and turn well until it has a color. Bring broth, peppers, salt and pepper and let the dish spin by low heat and under tight lid for app

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

The onions are chopped and roasted in margarine, picked up. The chops are seasoned with salt, pepper and paprika and chopped after the onion. Place the chops in a greased oven dish and allocate the onions over them. sauce: Sprinkle the flour on the fore

Mains Tarragon Pepper Salt ...

Season the meat with the spices. Put some cottage cheese, freshly squeezed garlic and parsley on the meat slices. Fold them together and close them with a wooden stick. Step the steaks into the fat. Served with baked potatoes.

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Step the steak fast brown on both sides with a little fat on a frying pan. Season with salt and pepper. Cut the leaves into leafy slices. Step them after the steak add a little water and boil tenderly, taste with mustard. Serve the steak to potatoes.

Mains Garlic Oregano Pepper ...

Put the spaghetti in a pan for 10 minutes and then cook the sauce, mix it all and cook it!

Salads Baby spinach Bacon cubes Crushed garlic ...

Boil the lenses according to the instructions on the package, drain and cool. Whip the dressing together. Step bacon crisp, put them on greasy paper. Mix spinach leaves and lentils carefully with the dressing, sprinkle with bacon and pine nuts.

Breakfast & brunch Salt Water Baking soda ...

The bananas are mashed with the water. Cardamom, cinnamon, salt and baking soda are mixed in banana mushrooms. The flour was kneaded in the dough. Form the dough to a flat bread. Bake at 225 degrees C. alm. Oven for 20-25 minutes on the bottom groove in the