Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Veal and pork. chopped 16%

Mains Eggs Onion Wheat flour ...

The lid is cut into small cubes. Meat, onion, egg, rasp and flour are well mixed together. Season with salt and pepper. The pan is heated. The father is shaped with a tablespoon, to meatballs. Stir in equal parts of rapeseed oil and butter. tips: For fri

Mains Pepper Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Aspargsene peeled off from the Central mod rod and the bottom tread end broken off. Cut into 2-3 cm lengths and boil approximately 4 -5 min in lightly salted water that just covers. Asparagus Peel cooked also in salted water in another saucepan. Carbonad

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

The meat is stirred together with the chopped onion and other ingredients, to a real father, resting for half an hour. FRY in a mixture of butter and olive oil, or canola oil. servers with, cucumber salad, boiled potatoes and a Brown nice tow gravy, which h

Mains Pepper Salt Grated cheese, mozzarella 45 + ...

The pores are cleaned and cut into smaller pieces and then boiled. Afdryppes and place in a greased casserole dish. Forcemeat is stirred together with eggs, breadcrumbs and whipping cream. Reversed eventually in conjunction with the whipped egg whites. F

Mains Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Cook the pasta according to instructions on package. The onion and garlic finely chopped, mushrooms, then cut into slices and tomatoes cut in small cubes. Put all the ingredients in a saucepan and saute the kødsovsen to them under stirring. Let it all si

Mains Potatoes Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

First touch you forcemeat with minced meat, egg, flour, broth, salt and pepper. Then pills you onions and cuts them into quartered pieces. Forcemeat in a greased ovenproof dish, and the onions are added on top of forcemeat. Afterwards you peel the potatoes

Mains Sea salt Pepper Pepper. White ...

The minced meat is stirred with finely chopped onion, pressed garlic, Basil and parsley grovhakket. Forcemeat seasoned and placed in a greased tærtefad ca. 27 cm. in diameter and bake at 200 degrees c. alm. oven for 25 minutes. Remove from the oven and the

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Sauté the grated onion and garlic in a little oil. Sprinkle paprika and chilli, then the meat. The grated carrot, ketchup as well as cube and water poured in, and the right spin for about 15 min. without lid. Season with salt and pepper. Cabbage chop finely