Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sesame seeds

Bread, buns & biscuits Oatmeal Buttermilk Light syrup ...

Mix the dry parts in a large bowl. Stir the syrup in. Add the buttermilk and stir well. Bring the dough into 2 well-molded molds and sprinkle seeds, kernels or oatmeal over. Bake bread at 175 ° C for 1 hour 40 minutes. After 1 hour, the oil is poured ove

Bread, buns & biscuits Flax seed Sesame seeds Cracked wheat kernels ...

All kernels and seeds are boiled together with water for 3 minutes. Put it in a bowl and get butter and a-38. Wait for the right tempo before yesterday. In the end, sift flour and knead well. Put directly on the plate and raise for about an hour. Bake at 2

Appetizers Chili Sesame seeds Thyme ...

Oven fillet or residue of cuts are cut into paper-thin slices and cut if necessary. Subsequently across a couple of times. Stir in rapeseed oil on a pan until it is finished. Morning fruit, chili and thyme are added and slightly added. Appointed in tacos,

Various Chili flakes Korriander Cumin seeds ...

When making humus, the easiest shortcut is chickpeas on canned. But I thought the dried ones are the best, even though the preparation is getting longer. Put the dried chickpeas in soft water for 24 hours. Pour the water and cook the chickpeas in unsalte

Appetizers Salt Sesame seeds Desiccated coconut ...

Water, rice and salt are placed in a pan and boiled for 12 minutes. When cooked, they are taken off the heat and pull for 12 minutes. Coconut flour and sesame seeds are shaken on a dry forehead. Coconut and sesame seeds sprinkle over rice.

Lunch Wholemeal wheat flour Salt Kvak ...

1: Lun milk in a saucepan (little finger warm). 2: Stir the yeast into the milk. 3: Add whole wheat flour, sesame seeds, twigs and wheat flour. 4: Peel the dough together to make it blank. 5: Put the dough for raising for 30 minutes. 6: Form the dough for

Lunch Basil Oregano Paprika ...

Mix the dough together, let it rise for 15 minutes. Roll the dough to a plate 30x40 cm. Grease the cheese, sprinkle on the garlic and spices and roll on the long side, form a horseshoe and put on the joint. Raises approx. 40 minutes, sprinkle with egg and spr

Bread, buns & biscuits Sourdough Lukewarm water Oatmeal ...

sourdough: Stir the ingredients together and allow it to stand at room temperature for 2 days. (Only made the first time to bake the bread). Dej 1: Stir the ingredients together. Leave it open at room temperature for approx. 12 hours. Remember to take 3-5