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Recipes with Pepper

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Soy sauce ...

Hot 1-2 tbsp. of oil in a thick-bottomed skillet. Add the garlic, ginger, scallions and celery and fry 1 minute. Came the mixture in a bowl and add the shrimp, crab meat and ham and mix well. Whip the eggs with salt and pepper in another bowl. Stir them int

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Grated nutmeg Salt ...

Heat oven up to 150 degrees C. Melt the butter in a heat-proof platter. Turn the artichoke bottoms in the butter and place them as well as anchovy fillets and ham separately in the dish. Cover the dish and style it in the oven 5-10 minutes until it is warme

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Butter ...

Beat the whole eggs and milk together with a fork. Melt the fat in a thick-bottomed pan. Pour the egg mixture on. Fade the heat. Scrape the stiffened egg masses from the bottom and toward the Center with slow movements. Turn off the Pan slightly before rørægge

Mains Pepper Salt Large spinach leaves ...

Veal & pork stir well with 30 Gr. bread crumbs, 2 eggs (beaten) and parsley. It touched Dad's being placed on foil about 25 x 20 cm. and flattening out so that it can be scrolled. To that end, be, in order of use. order: spinach leaves, sliced and ch

Mains Ginger sliced Oil Pepper ...

The oil is poured into a skillet. When the oil is hot, add garlic, onion, ginger, red pepper and chicken legs. Add water and let Cook until chicken thighs are soft. Pour the coconut milk in, and add the spices to taste. Let Cook for about 5 minutes. The Court

Soups Basket or bag to collect ground in Pepper Bouillon cubes ...

Start by putting water in a pot on the fire. If it is a really flammebål, so set the pot close to the fire. It is a glødebål to the Pan stand in the coals or on a pot rack. Peel the potatoes. Chop them finely and put them in the pot. Chop the onion finely and

Sides Pepper Salt Finely chopped Marjoram ...

Take the stems of skvalder cabbage and rinse it carefully in several teams of cold water. Came the leaves in a saucepan with the water, hanging on and steam them a few minutes under the lid for the flaps together. Let them drain in a sieve. Chop them coarsely.

Salads Watercress Pepper Salad ...

Salad, ground elder and dandelion leaves cut into appropriate pieces. The entire mix, garnish with watercress. Shake well and pour the marinade over salad.