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Recipes with Parsley, chopped

Sides Parsley, chopped Thyme Oil ...

Preheat the browning dish 6 minutes at 100%. Add oil and brown potatoes. Let them stand in the oven for 1 minute at 100%. Stir around the potatoes and add parsley. Put on the lid and boil the potatoes for 10 minutes at 100%. tips: The recipe is in

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, juice and grated to be of the ...

Oksespyd: Distribute the meat to the grill spikes. Brush the grill with a little oil and put the meat on. Grill it about 2 - 3 minutes on both sides and season with salt and pepper. Mix while thyme and olive oil and brush the meat just before serving.

Mains Pepper Salt Taste ...

Rinse the pigeons in cold water and dry them well with kitchen rolls. Rub them with salt and pepper - also inside. Melt the butter in a thickened pot and brown the pads on all sides. Pour the broth and brush the pans under low heat for approx. 1 hour. Br

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little water and butter Pepper ...

Appelsinløg: Cut the onions in slices and saute them for a moment in a little water and butter. Sprinkle the onion slices and boil them in the orange juice until they are completely tender and the dishes are well-cooked - approx. 1/2 hour. Season with salt an

Mains Garlic, minced Pesto or oil Grated lemon rind ...

Cut eggplant into 8 slices along. The grill slices for the aubergines are soft and have begun to color. Brush them on one side with oil or pesto. Cut the turkey slices along lengthwise slices so that there are 8 slices in total. Bank them if necessary. Slightl

Mains Lemon juice Power light sour cream or force rhode island dr Pepper ...

Cut the fish into pieces. Bring the pears into an ovenproof dish. Cut the fennel knuckle through the middle and cut the root disc with a conical cut. Then cut it into slices. Put it between the porrons in the dish. Get the fish on it. Sprinkle with lemon and s

Mains Pepper Parsley, chopped Salt ...

Heat the oil in a large pan and add onions, garlic and mushrooms approx. 5 min. Add the veal, let it sweat together. Turn over the rest, taste with salt and pepper and simmer for 10 minutes. Serve on rice and decorate with parsley.

Sauces Salt White pepper Melted butter ...

Yolks, salt, bouillon, Béarnaise essence, pepper mixed in the blender. Slowly add butter. Finally add the parsley.