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Recipes with Orange juice

Drinks (cold) Amaretto Whisky Vodka ...

Put the ingredients in a shaker with ice and strain into highball glass with ice.

Drinks (cold) Schweppes ginger ale Grand marnier-yellow Licor 43 ...

Shake vodka, liqueur, and fruit juice with ice and pour into a tall glass with ice cubes. Fill with Schweppes Ginger Ale.

Drinks (cold) Creme de bananes Monastery liqueur Vodka ...

Shake with ice and serve in medium glass

Drinks (cold) Grenadine Licor 43 Vodka ...

Shake with ice and serve in between the large glass.

Drinks (cold) A little icing Orange juice Ice cubes ...

Orange juice, gin, possibly. sugar and ice cubes place in mixeglasset. Shakes well and filtered. Bestowed in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) A little icing Orange juice Ice cubes ...

Orange juice, gin, possibly. sugar and ice cubes place in mixeglasset. Shakes well and filtered. Bestowed in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Champagne ...

Built into the glass and garnish with an orange slice and a small red cherries

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Vodka ...

Come on ice in a highball glass. Add the vodka and fill with orange juice.