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Recipes with Orange juice

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Bananas Handfuls of frozen strawberries ...

All the fruits come in a dazzle, pour the orange juice over so it just covers.

Cakes in form Orange Orange Peal thereof Orange juice ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees C. Wash the apple thoroughly. Cake: Whip the margarine and sugar together. Then whip flour, baking soda, vanilla sugar and cocoa in. Then egg, orange juice and milk. Chop the chocolate roughly and mix it with the orange p

Drinks (cold) Apple Orange juice Plum ...

Blend 3 pieces. kiwi 1 piece. apple 2 pcs. pear 1 piece. plum Juice from 1st piece. lemon Juice from 1st piece. orange 1 liter of milk 2 tablespoon stevia 1 teaspoon maca 1 teaspoon of mesquite 2 teaspoon hyben 1 teaspoon of brittle powder tips:

Fruits Candied violets Orange juice Corn starch ...

Put the macros in a serving bowl (broach them in a little smaller pieces). Sprinkle with the orange juice and the apricot moss over. Whip egg yolks and sugar together to cream and stir the corn starch in. Bring the cream to the boil. Pour the boiled crea

Various Orange juice One splash grenadine Ice cubes ...

Take a glass, like a longdrink glass. Fill the ice cream with ice cubes, about 3/4 of the glass. Then they reach 2-4 cl. Tequila i, depending on how the taste of tequila should be in your drink. (It should be said that it is not very important that it is si

Drinks (cold) A handful of allbran-plus Grape juice Orange juice ...

All ingredients are put in a blender and blended. tips: The dimensions are indicative, so try to find the perfect consistency.

Mains Chopped parsley and spinatris Pepper Grated Orange and lemon zest ...

Cut the meat into narrow strips. Allow oil and honey to warm in a saucepan. Chop the meat here twice and pick it up. Add chopped onion and crushed garlic sap and stir. Sprinkle the flour on. Add the other ingredients except cream fry and return the meat. Let i

Desserts (cold) Chocolate Orange juice Pasteurized egg yolks ...

The chocolate is broken into smaller pieces and put in thick-baked pot together with the orange juice, melted under low heat evenly. Chill the chocolate a little and stir the egg yolks in. The orange meat is cut into small tern and stirred in. The cream is whi