Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Minced parsley Pepper Onion ...

If potatoes are large, cut in quarters or thick slices. The onion peeled and cut in both. The carrots cut into slices. The tomatoes cut into both. The beans nippes and cut into 2-3 pieces. Potatoes Sauté well through in the oil. Add and sauté with onions an

Cold cuts Pepper Eggs Egg yolk ...

Serve a longish one-litre form with thin slices of lard. Remove årestammerne and possible bile markings on the liver. Com 2/3 of livers, anchovy fillets and onion cut into smaller pieces in the blender and run it to a fine puree. Pass it through a sieve. Mi

Cold cuts Allspice, ground Pepper Salt ...

Salt, pepper, sugar and allerhånde mix well and rubbed on meat. The onions are chopped finely and sprinkled on the flesh. Husblasen allocated on top of the onions, and meat rolled together. Roll the sausage be wrapped in cling film (it keeps on the juice) a

Soups Pepper Salt Celery ...

Saute garlic and onion in butter. Pour the broth and add the finely chopped vegetables. Cook until it is tender and season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Serve with sour cream.

Mains Pepper Onion Eggs ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Put them layered with finely chopped onion in a flat, greased ovenproof dish. Whip cream, milk, eggs, salt and pepper together and pour the mixture over the potatoes. Favor butter blobs. Bake in the oven f

Mains Chili Curry Oil ...

Wash chicken fillets. Blend garlic, onion and the dissolved bouillon, then warmed oil in a pan, the oil stands and squids. Pour plenty of curry in the oil until it is stopped to Fizz and bubble. Cut the chicken into pieces, FRY in my 8-10 in the forehead. Pour

Lunch Oil Butter Rye bread ...

Salt herring is diluted in plenty of water for about 24 hours. After 12 hours, changing the water should taste of herring is the very salt to the watered down more (herring should taste slightly salty, by frying becomes salt taste stronger). When the herring i

Soups Oil Pepper Salt ...

Onion chop and sauté. Broth, tomatoes and tomato paste to the Pan and mix it all boils approx. 20 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. If you want the soup to boil the pasta, and then added. Tips: This is a very cheap dinner. And very tasty in my