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Recipes with Olive oil

Mains Fish sauce Sea trout, min. 1 kg (eviscerated weight) Sea salt ...

Scrape the fish free of mucus and dandruff. With a sharp knife cut across a variety of fish (both sides, with ca. 2-3 cm intervals, approximately ½ cm deep), so that the marinade can penetrate well into the meat. Place the whole fish (including head and tail)

Mains Lemon in slices Fish (COD, mackerel, etc.) Chopped onion ...

Came the hakked onion and 3 diced carrots and salt in a saucepan. Put the fish on top and add ½ ltr. water. Bring the soup to a boil. The soup is lightly and Cook, covered, about ½ hour thereafter. The soup is filtered and made page. Marinated trout: the tr

Mains Lemon juice Oil for brushing the grill grate Pepper ...

Preparation: Rub the leaves of Rosemary twigs and mix them with crushed garlic and 1 tablespoon olive oil. Fill the cleaned fish with the mixture and place them in a dish. Marinade: Pour marinade over and let the fish tow in marinade at keel in approximatel

Soups Sea salt Olive oil Tamarindsauce ...

The onion peeled and cut into small cubes. Hokaidoen cleaned, split in two and the kernels removed. Hokaidoen cut into smaller pieces. Lightly fry the onion in a little olive oil. Hokaido, water and a little salt is poured into the pan. The soup is boiling

Mains EVS. Salt Potato cubes baked tender in cream with salt and pepper, served in small serving moulds Pepper ...

The marinade mix, and fillets must be determined herein for at least 8 hours, like 12-16 Turn them on and off. Take fillets must from the marinade, and dry them well. Brown them in butter on all sides in a deep frying pan with lid, reduce heat, and cook the

Mains A little nutmeg Olive oil Paprika ...

Tenderloin cut into steaks at approx. 3 cm. Bacon met around, FRY in olive oil about 5 minutes on each side. Then FRY tomato boats. Cut the spinach coarsely, sauté in a little margarine, seasoned with salt and pepper. Medalionerne served on spinach, pour M

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Cut the tenderloin into 10 pieces on a few cm and bank them flat with the back of the hand. On each tenderloin slice a few leaves Rosemary, Sage or thyme. Omvikel with parma ham and holiday if necessary. the whole thing with a toothpick. Brown the meat i

Soups A little ginger Olive oil Pepper ...

Grass tub cleaned for skins and seeds and cut into coarse pieces together with garlic, which is picked in bold. It all turned over with a little olive oil. Place in a heat-proof dish and connected with tin foil, bake at low heat for approximately 30 minutes.