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Recipes with Lime

Drinks (cold) Icing sugar Pineapple juice Gin ...

Shakes and poured into a glass

Drinks (cold) Ice cream Egg white Danish water ...

Rum, lime, Cointreau, egg white, sugar shakes vigorously with ice. The entire pour into a highball glass with ice cubes in. fill up with Danish water and garnish with orange slices

Drinks (cold) Grenadine Ice cream Danish water ...

Tequila, lime, grenadine and Creme de Cassis stirred together in a glass with ice and eventually filled up with Danish water

Drinks (cold) Kirschwasser Lime Cherry liqueur ...

All ingredients except lime slice shake well in a shaker with crushed ice. Siles and served in a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with lemon writes.

Drinks (cold) Lime Cranberry juice Rome ...

Ice cubes are added in the blender. Rum, cranberry Juice and Sour added and blended to soft and easy Sorbet is donated in a cocktail glass with a slice of Lime.

Drinks (cold) IFIC. kind of juice Good light rum Lime ...

Freeze the juice into each ice cube bag like 4-5 his research. kind of juice. Pour the juice in the Blender, along with the dice down Rome, and lime juice ... .... Run it all around to the ice is crushed.

Drinks (cold) Plenty of ice Southern comfort Lime ...

Shakes until the Shaker will be cold on the outside. Poured so in small glass-shots glasses or schnapps glasses are suitable.

Drinks (cold) Banana Lime Sugar ...

All ingredients except lime slice mix in a mixer with 12 cl crushed ice. Run on low speed to mix is smooth. Breakfast is served in a large chilled Wineglass. Garnish with lime slice.