Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Hollandaise sauce

Breakfast & brunch English muffins Hollandaise sauce Poached eggs ...

Crack the four muffins and grate them lightly. Serve two six muffins on each plate, put a slice of bacon or ham on, so a poached egg, and cover with hollandaise sauce. Serve immediately. Tips: English muffins are available finished baked in URf.eks. Irm

Breakfast & brunch Onion finely chopped Pepper, roughly chopped Minced parsley ...

Slice the potatoes and meat into cubes. Save 2 tablespoons. by peberfrugten for garnish. Melt the butter in a skillet and saute the bell peppers, onion, garlic, mushrooms and spinach over strong heat 3-4 minutes. Add the meat and potatoes and FRY 3-4 minutes.

Mains Coarse salt Herb butter (butter m. parsley Basil) Milk ...

Forellerne cleaned and head and tail cut off. Kryddersmørret be put inside the fish and they rubbed on the surface with coarse salt. Forellerne placed in a dish and white wine and lemon juice is poured in. The dish covered with tinfoil and forellerne be made i

Mains A little paprika A little shrimp A little salt and pepper ...

Thaw the spinach up in water, let it circles over, squeeze all the water out. Cut the meat in ca. 21/2 cm thick slices. Bank them easily, FRY Tenderloin in the margarine in the Pan, not quite done, salt and pepper. Put the tenderloin on a platter, for they

Breakfast & brunch Cayenne pepper Hollandaise sauce Pepper ...

Share the four muffins in two, grate and butter them. Benefit them on 4 plates and keep them warm. Grate the flesh lightly on the forehead. Fill a pan with water, add vinegar and bring to the boil. Let the eggs drifting slowly down into the water, one-by-one,