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Recipes with Eggs

Cakes in form Almonds Nuts Chocolate ...

Chop the chocolate roughly. Blend almonds and nuts into a blender for a nice flour. Tear the marcipan into the nutmeg. Divide the eggs into two bowls - one with whites and one with plums. Whip the whites stiff with half of the brown darling. Then whip t

Cookies Ground ginger Ground cinnamon Bicarbonate of soda ...

Butter & amp; Sugar is stirred softly & amp; The eggs are stirred in. Sift the flour with spices & amp; Sodron & amp; Stir it in the butter cream. Eat the dough & amp; Put it in the fridge overnight. Roll it out & amp; Cut it into very small pieces. Put the ba

Breakfast & brunch Pepper Salt Oil ...

Beat the eggs in a bowl and whip until they turn white. Add the rest and whip again. Pour the contents into a preheated pan. Wait stirring until it bubbles. Then it will be stirred in it often. When the liquid is gone and the egg is soft it is ready for ser

Cakes in form Freeze dried vanilla Stevia Water ...

Turn on the oven at 150 degrees. Blend ingredients to the bottom well, add water as needed until the mass is easily attached. Pour the mass into a pie and put in the oven. Now prepare the fill. The eggs are split and the whites are whipped stiff with a littl

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Spaghetti cooked to al dente. Chop onion in smaller tern and mix with all other ingredients together in a bowl. Finally, wait for the eggs to finally taste with salt and pepper inside. This mass is mixed now with the cooked spaghetti and poured onto a dish.

Cookies Eggs Cocoa Vanilla ...

Stir the butter and sugar together. Add eggs and then vanilla and flour. Bring the dough well together. Divide the portion in the middle and kneaded cocoa in half. Roll the dough into sausages of about 2 cm in diameter and put 4 sausages together - light and d

Bread, buns & biscuits Canola oil Flax seed Sunflower kernels ...

Turn on 160 degrees. Chop walnuts to flour in mini chops. Mix walnuts along with the rest of the kernels. Whip the eggs. Mix oil in the eggs. Add the kernel mixture with egg and oil and mix well. Pour the mixture into a slotted form or with baking paper

Bread, buns & biscuits Wheat flour, so much dough can take Ground cinnamon Ground cardamom ...

Melt butter with low heat, add milk and then the other ingredients. Add as much flour as the dough can take. Raise 1 hour, form 16 bowls, raise 1/2 hour, bake for 20 min at 200 degrees. tips: If these bowls are put on the table together with gløgg and ho