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Recipes with Bouillon cube

Mains Basil, dried Oregano, dried Pepper ...

The vegetables are cleaned and cut into smaller pieces. Sauté the chopped onion and the crushed garlic in a little oil, add the remaining vegetables and sauté them with some minutes to the start to give off moisture. Add a can of tomatoes and possibly. a

Mains Whole peper Salt Thyme ...

Revelsbenene powder on your partner with plenty of salt and draws a few hours. They met in a pan with a dark beer, a bouillon cube, bay leaf, whole peper and thyme. The legs are cooked until tender. Then FRY the Brown in butter in a frying pan. Ølben

Mains Fintsnittet Chinese cabbage Pepper Salt ...

Warm grape seed oil and Brown chicken pieces lightly, sprinkle pepper and a little salt over. Bouillon cube, water and red wine came by and let it småsnurre on a low heat, covered, for meat is tender, about 20 minutes Take the pieces up on a serving dish and

Mains Bouillon cube Onion Salt ...

Peel celery and cut into approximately 1 cm. large cubes and boil them in salted water for about 10 minutes. The water should just barely simmer-not bulder Cook. Take the cooked celery dice up with a slotted spoon. Father: Stir the minced pork and veal cool

Mains Carry Paprika Pepper ...

The meat is fried on a dry pan. Chop the onions and cut the carrots into thin strips. Com meat, onions, carrots, carry, a crumbled bay leaf and 1 teaspoon. paprika in broth water and stir thoroughly. Com salt and pepper in the after taste. Celery and green pep

Soups Bouillon cube Lemon balm A little butter ...

Ox bow be in abundant salted water and brought to the boil. 2-3 hours to cook the meat is tender. Beets, cabbages, gulerød, celery, onion and Leek chop finely. FRY in a little butter or oil. Tomato puree, oksebov, boil water, extra water and bouillon

Mains Cream Suit Pepper ...

The butter Brown lightly in a large cast iron pan or wok. Boven brunes, and invert a few times. Carrots, onions and garlic peeled and cut in half, and are distributed on both sides of the meat. Bouillon cube and break into pieces and distributed in the same

Soups Pepper Salt Parsley, fresh ...

The potatoes peeled and cut into cubes. Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into thin slices. Garlic and parsley chopped fine. Butter or margarine is melted in a medium saucepan. Potatoes and mushrooms in and reversed some minutes in the fat, while there is stirred