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Recipes with Bay leaf

Sides Lemon juice, or (l) small glass of white wine Chopped parsley or fresh coriander leaves Garlic ...

The olive oil is heated in a large flat-bottomed pan. Add lemon juice or wine, herbs and a pinch of salt. Peppercorns, coriander seeds and garlic cast together in a mortar, place in pan and twirling in væden a few minutes. Be carefully the vegetables in a sing

Sides Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Whisk marinade together and pour it over the cooked chicken or Turkey meat (breast), use it for a salad with fx. tomatoes and green salad leaves. Eat coarse flutes.

Sides Salt Black peppercorns Small celery tuber ...

bring salted water to a boil and add the cleaned and coarsely-cut vegetables. Boil it for about 25 minutes and got the spices in. add red wine and bring the marinade up to boiling point. Take it from the heat and leave to cool. Mariner meat in 2 days in the re

Mains Pepper Salt Leek ...

Trim if necessary. membranes and tendons from the flesh. Dry it off with paper towel and cut it in not too small cubes (4 x 4 cm). Sprinkle the meat with flour and mix it with salt and pepper. Cut the smoked bacon into small cubes. Fry the bacon dice in it

Mains Broccoli Sour cream flavored with horseradish, sugar and lemon Fresh bælgede peas ...

Sprinkle the Dove with the salt and sugar and style it in the fridge overnight. Rinse and dry the Dove and got it in boiling water with slices of carrot, onion, bay leaf and thyme. Boil 35 minutes and dove in let it stand in boiling bed sheet 15 minutes.

Soups Basil Bay leaf Rosemary ...

Cut the meat into cubes of approx. 2.5 cm. Brown the meat with the onion and garlic in butter or oil. When the meat is browned filled water into the Pan, and spices added. Let it simmer for an hour or until the meat is tender. Add the Bulguren and let it cook

Soups Fresh parsley Pepper Whipping cream to decorate with (if you will) ...

Saute onions lightly in a pan and add the peeled and sliced carrots. Add the broth, bay leaf, orange juice, salt and pepper and cook on a low heat with the lid on for an hour. Blend in a blender and serve it hot with a small swirl of cream and fresh chopped

Mains Lots of chopped herbs such as parsley, dill or Chervil: Pepper Salt ...

Mix the salt and sugar. Came the brisket in a plastic bag and benefit salt/sugar on all sides of the bag with the meat in a. put the deep dish and style it in the refrigerator in a døgnstid. Turn bag several times along the way so the brine forming it spread o