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Recipes with Banana

Desserts (cold) Lemon juice Fresh basil Apple-style interiors grannysmith ...

Syrup: getting water and sugar in a saucepan with the split vanilla pod. Cut the washed lemon into slices and also came in them. Let Cook a few minutes. Take the Pan from the heat and got orange juice in the banana peel, cut it into smaller pieces and got it i

Cakes in form Skimmed milk Vanilla sugar Wheat flour ...

Eggs, sugar and vanilla sugar whipped good diocese with a hand mixer. The remaining ingredients except bananas and squash stir in coarsely and mash the bananas squashen. tear completely. Add the squashen and turn the first banana bog in eventually. The b

Drinks (cold) Banana Good orange juice Soy milk ...

It's all mixed together and blend well. Simple;-) Tips: I use the user even Tropical Sunfresh from, among other things. The grocery store as orange juice I have, why do I use soy milk allergy. Alm. milk or yogurt could easily replace this. Since I invented

Cakes 1 tbsp. water Lemon or lime juice Strawberry ...

Chop and crumble the cold butter into the flour. Add the powdered sugar and egg yolk and collect the dough. Add if necessary. a little water if it is necessary to collect the dough. Hastened by a pie dish with the dough. Prick pie bottom with a fork and place

Desserts (cold) Orange juice Banana Syrup or sugar ...

slice the banana into pieces, put it all in a blender, (remember and PUT the LID on) and voila: a delicious Smoothie full of vitamins

Drinks (cold) A38 Banana Milk ...

Peel the pears and bananas and cut them into smaller pieces. Pour the milk and the A38 and blend well. Got ice cubes in and blend again. Serve immediately in tall glass. Tips: Really good one hot summer day!!!

Buffets Apple Peas Cucumber ...

Cut lettuce and all the other vegetables. Boil Pasta if this is desired, it should just be alm. Pasta screws or a smaller alternative Mix it all together to form a large unstructured or server each of the vegetables in each their Bowl so people can mix away.