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Recipes with Banana

Drinks (cold) Raspberry Strawberry Milk and yogurt (for own requirements) ...

Very simple. put it all in the blender. Blend it all is with. serving suggestions: chop the chocolate and sprinkle over a little Mint to give it last ...

Cakes in form Cocoa Baking soda Banana ...

Turn on the oven 175 degrees hot air. Melt margarine and cool. Whip eggs and sugar into an airy mass. Add water, magarine, flour, baking powder and cocoa powder according to how much you want, I usually approximately 2 ½ dl ... Take half, that is, 100 g of

Drinks (cold) Banana Elderflower juice Frozen strawberries ...

first takes you, the banana and the frozen strawberries and blender them together. So do you take hyldeblomsten and ice cubes and blender it together with the banana and these berries.

Drinks (cold) Banana Hinbær (whole) Strawberry (whole) ...

put the banana, raspberry and jordbæren in a hood and cover it with milk. Blænd it to the desired consistency, add sugar and oatmeal smoothen stirred and served cold in a glass. Tips: the banana can weigh

Cakes Baking soda Grated lemon rind Banana ...

Preparation of Base: mix sugar and butter well, then add the eggs, lemon zest and a little salt. Knead the flour slowly in as the last. Baking soda and sugar mix well. Preparation of the cream: Beat sugar, eggs, vanilla and flour together in a saucepan over

Desserts (cold) Grated chocolate at will Karo's kitchen cream (small) Apple ...

cut the fruits into appropriate pieces and came demi a bowl. whip cream, cream, and sugar together to fraice it becomes whipped cream (not too thick). mix it into the bowl with fruits and add the grated chocolate.

Drinks (cold) Banana Milk Black currant ...

All the ingredients are mixed together in a blender (beware, must cope with the ice cubes, otherwise they must be crushed first URf.eks. in a tea towel). Pour the first ice of the peeled bananas, berries. next, acacia honey and milk. Serve immediately th

Drinks (cold) Also a little frozen jordbærd Juice or elderflower juice Honey ...

Put all ingredients into a blender and blendt it together. Serve immediately or style it in the refrigerator until serving. Tip: can be eaten for breakfast, as a snack, or as desert (if it is to be served for desert one can also put a little vanilieis in).