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Recipes with Bacon

Mains Fresh Rosemary Garlic powder Kitchen salt ...

Rub the tenderloin with garlic powder, salt and pepper. Cut the bacon into small pieces. Fry the bacon in a pan that is just large enough for the tenderloin. With a slotted spoon, transfer the bacon to a plate, but let the frying fat stay in the pan. Brown

Mains Pepper Salt Bacon ...

Chop onion and carrot into slices and mix with the rest of the ingredients for the marinade. The meat out in the night. By cooking the next day, press the meat dry prior to the krydderes with salt and pepper. Brown the roast quickly in a pan in butter before t

Mains Other vegetables you seemed about Curry Paprika ...

First increased koteletterne a short time in a pan with salt and spices. then remove the 4 bolts tinfoil paper which can be packed into koteletten. Put them on separate piece and mix so that the corn, diced tomatoes, bacon and the EVS. other things in a bowl a

Mains Eggs Alfalfa sprouts Oil ...

Potatoes in puff pastry: the potatoes peeled, grated on the coarse side of the rive iron and wash well in cold water. Sauté in oil without Brown, allow to cool and place onto a sheet puff pastry which is rolled out to more than double, seasoned with thyme: the

Mains Bacon Danablue Spring onions ...

Pork Tenderloin be rearranged and cut from the ends to the souffle father's cutting pockets in small patties of the real tenderloin they filled with sauté of bacon, thyme, garlic and celery. Sauce: chicken stock boil down and mounted with butter and danablu

Mains Pepper Salt Parsley (finely chopped) ...

Tenderloin freed from prejudice and tendons and cut into 2 cm thick slices. Tenderloin pieces spread with mustard on all sides and sprinkled with salt and pepper, and then the bacon slices wrapped around the edge – consider using a toothpick to hold Bacon in p

Cold cuts Groftkværnet pepper Fresh or 1 tsp. dried thyme Milk ...

Arrow and finely chop the onion, Peel the apples and cut them into cubes. Melt the fat in a pan and let the onions and apples spin by even heat for about 10 minutes. Remove pan from heat and cool it a little of. Slice, if desired. sinew and membranes from live

Mains Pepper Salt Green pesto ...

Boil the pasta until it is nearly enough and made draining. While through fry chicken strips on a dry pan. They are taken by the Pan and the bacon fried crisp and put on fat sucking paper. Eventually confuses pesto, eggs and cream together. And spring onions c