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Recipes with Bacon

Soups Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes, carrots and pears are cut into terns / slices. The bacon is browned in a pan and taken up. Then you get the vegetables in the pan, with the fat of the bacon and shake them. Water poured at. The amount you choose is how much a potion you want. T

Mains 1 canned annanas in cubes Fresh chilli or steadily after taste Pepper ...

2 slices of bacon rolled around the chicken brussels and brune on a pan with butter. Then put in a refractory dish and lettuce and pepper add to taste. Annas in tern are distributed around the dish (if you want it). Bananas are peeled and flaked and laid ove

Lunch Cucumbers Curry Pepper ...

Stir the chicken and add curry gradually. Step the bacon and let it dry on a napkin. Heat the bread in the oven. Cut the Cucumbers & amp; Tomatoes in slices and cut the salad into strips. Put chicken, bacon, cheese, salad, cucumbers, tomatoes and dressing in t

Appetizers "tiger shrimp (5-6 shrimp per man to Starter otherwise more) White pepper (ca. 1/8 tsp.) Madspyd (wooden or metal) ...

Beurre Blanc: Put vinegar, wine, mustard onion, salt and pepper to boil in a saucepan at high heat and let it boil until the liquid is reduced to approx. 1½ tbsp. Put the onions off and squeeze the wings from them. Add now approx. 3 tablespoons. Of the col

Mains Curry Potatoes for 4 pers Boiling water ...

The Gris-O-Letters will probably be ordered today at the butcher, I do not think they can be bought anymore, you can also make them yourself, see under addictive comments. The gris-o-glasses are browned on both sides and placed in a small frying pan or oven-p

Mains Olive oil Pepper Parsley for garnish ...

Cook the pasta in the salt water - follow the cooking instructions on the package. Step while bacon into a little olive oil - when the bacon is crisp, it breaks into small pieces. Whip egg yolks, cream and parmesan together in a bowl. When cooked, turn the

Mains Meatballs Dumplings Water ...

Cut the bacon into pieces and put the bacon in the pan to make the soup. Once you have fried the bacon, put the water in and all the vegetables. Let it boil and boil and let it boil for 3 minutes. When cooked, take meat and flour rolls and let it boil for 4

Mains Pepper Salt White wine (may be omitted) ...

Bacon and pancetta roasted on a pan. When it is fried, add the sliced ​​garlic. At the same time cook the spaghetti until it is al dente and let it drizzle. Whip eggs and parmesan together and add salt and (good) pepper. White wine is poured on the forehead