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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Dry tenderloin with paper towels and sprinkle salt and pepper on. Peel an orange, cut the white of the shell and cut it into very thin strips and boil them 5 minutes in water. SI water from and save strips for the sauce. Squeeze the juice of the oranges.

Mains A little nutmeg Olive oil Paprika ...

Tenderloin cut into steaks at approx. 3 cm. Bacon met around, FRY in olive oil about 5 minutes on each side. Then FRY tomato boats. Cut the spinach coarsely, sauté in a little margarine, seasoned with salt and pepper. Medalionerne served on spinach, pour M

Mains Garlic or parsley butter Pepper Salt ...

Turn on the oven at about 200 degrees. Trimmings tenderloin. Clean the mushrooms and cut into quarters. Peel onions and cut into thin slices. Cut the tomatoes into thin both. Peel potatoes and cut into cubes. Cut the mini corn into suitable pieces. Rub the

Mains Pepper Rosemary, fresh Salt ...

Cut the tenderloin into 10 pieces on a few cm and bank them flat with the back of the hand. On each tenderloin slice a few leaves Rosemary, Sage or thyme. Omvikel with parma ham and holiday if necessary. the whole thing with a toothpick. Brown the meat i

Mains Fresh parsley Freshly ground pepper Salt ...

The oven heats up to 200 c. Tendons and fat cut from the tenderloin, it is wrapped with bacon made stuck with toothpicks. Brown the meat in a frying pan on all sides and put then in a tall pan into the oven, where the FRY for 15 min. Mørbranden taken out and k

Mains Bread Green beans Jævning ...

FRY bacon in a large iron pot, saute the mushrooms in greasy Bacon up tag and tag up. 'S Tenderloin of fat and membranes, spiced with salt (not too much, bacon fat is salt in advance) and pepper. Brown Tenderloin in bacon fat by strong heat, turn down th

Mains Reef mozarellaost Broccoli head Mornay sauce ...

Pork Tenderloin, warmed in butter on the forehead. Mushroom master and skives and invert together with pork tenderloin. Then met small brocollibuketter that is blanched in the pan together with a little cream. The pasta is cooked according to instructions o

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Trimmings and Tenderloin into thin slices and season with salt and pepper. Heat the butter and oil and roast the meat at high heat 2 minutes on each side. Pull them off while the sauce is made. Chop the Basil, the peeled clove of garlic and three walnuts an