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Mains recipes

Mains Vegetables Garlic Herb butter ...

Cut the meat into approximately 2 cm. thick slices and make a small pocket in each piece of meat. Fill the pockets with a good herb butter (Garlic, parsley, lemon thyme, and whatever you can li ´) Alternatively, the pockets are filled with bacon or pork cho

Mains Pepper Salt Margarine ...

Brown the meat in a pan in the margarine and sprinkled with salt and pepper and place in a roasting pan. The onions cut into quarters and place in a small saucepan. Roasting pan in a hot oven and van sætes poured in. Meat FRY until it is very tender at 200

Mains Curry Pepper Salt ...

Boil the potatoes and arrow. Cut the potatoes into slices and the sausages cut into thick slices. Brown the sausages in a dry pan. Add if necessary. a little water. The potatoes Brown on the forehead. The sausages are met again in, add the grof treven

Mains Basmati rice or wild rice. French rice from the rhone Lemon Olive oil ...

The 2 kinds of rice mix and toasting lightly in olive oil water hædes on in address 1-3. Salt accepted by and it brought to the boil. Cook about 25 minutes, lids for all water is steamed away. While all vegetables are cleaned and cut. The mushrooms can also be

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon, zest and juice of which ...

All the ingredients in a mortar and rubbed then Aida round on the chicken. the rest of the lemon squeezed into the chicken. The chicken closed end and FRY in 1 hour and 30 min at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Tips: If you don't have a mortar, you can get it in

Mains Port wine Beef Chuck steak Potatoes ...

Svitset on the forehead, whole roast potatoes, carrots, sliced, placed in the bottom of the roaster, 2 dl. water and cream are added, along with a little port wine. The roast is added on top and along with pages added mushrooms. Put it all in an oven at 200 de

Mains Potatoes Grated cheese Peeled tomatoes ...

Cut approximately 400 grams potatoes into slices, chop the onion finely, it came in a heat-proof platter, cut into slices and medisteren advantage over the potatoes, pour tomatoes in addition and it eventually split cheese is put in the oven at 200 degrees for

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Hearts cleansed of fat and sinew, and skærres in the quarters. Brown the butter in a frying pan and the hearts of Brown well. Water poured over so it just covers, salt, pepper and parsley added and the lid is on. Hearts boils 3-4 hours at low heat. Hearts f