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Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) 1 orange slice or cocktail cherries Lemon peel Water ...

In an old fashion glass be ½ piece of sugar, as well as faecal matter with angostura bitters and a little cold water. Sugar, and crushed ice cubes and whiskey granted. Mixes well. Lemon peel twisted over the glass ok met then in drink'en. An orange slice and/o

Drinks (cold) Cointreau Freshly squeezed lemon juice Gin ...

Getting all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Grenadine Cointreau Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Getting all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Egg white Lemon juice Scotch whisky ...

Lemon juice and sugar and stir well with mixeglasset in barskeen, to the sugar is dissolved. Whisky, pernod, egg white, cream and ice cubes are met i. Shakes good and straines. Served in cocktail glasses.

Drinks (cold) Freshly squeezed lemon juice Triple sec Cognac or brandy ...

Getting all the ingredients in a shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and si up in a cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Angostura Orange Red cocktail cherries ...

Com sugar cube, Angostura and a splash of bourbon in a highball glass (which in England is called an Old-Fashioned glass). Hug the sugar completely, e.g. with a wooden spoon and mash around until the sugar is completely dissolved. Got bourbon in a shaker wi

Drinks (cold) Lemon peel or olive Dry vermuth American blended whiskey ...

Vermuth, whisky and ice cubes stir gently in mixeglasset. Straineren set of mixeglasset, and there is donated in the cocktail glass. Lemon rind twists over the glass and place then in drink'en. Instead, possibly 1 olive.

Drinks (cold) Orange or lemon peel Sweet vermouth Dry vermouth ...

Vermouth, whisky and ice cubes place in mixeglasset and stir lightly. Straines through the sieve and devoted in the cocktail glass. Orange or lemon peel twisted over the glass and place then in drink'en.