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Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) Water Lemon Sugar ...

Sugar and tartaric acid, place in a pan and pour in the boiling water. when the sugar dissolves easily met lemon slices and elder-flower in. It all staa and must pull in 5-6 Days. There stirred in it every now and then. Dilute with water when the drink (chille

Drinks (cold) Sugar Water Lemon ...

The Green stems on the flowers being cut away, the flowers be shaken easily for getting rid of the little creatures, they do not rinse. Wash the lemons and skives thin. Elder blossoms, lemons and sugar added in a large plastic bucket, porcelain or stainless st

Drinks (cold) Vanilla pod in approx. 4 cm long pieces Lemons cut into slices Rhubarb cut into small pieces ...

Rhubarb, lemons, vanilla and Ta wells with the boiling water, cover and stand in 2 days. Then the whole shebang is filtered through a tea towel. For each liter of sieved juice used 1 kg sugar. The juice is stirred until all sugar is dissolved-can take a

Drinks (cold) Lemon Water Sugar ...

Shake the flowers free of dust and any insects, and put them in a jar along with the sliced lemons, vinsyren and sugar. Pour boiling water over. Stir in the mixture, and allow to stand in the 4-5 days. SI flowers and lemon slices, and pour the juice in clean b

Drinks (cold) Lemon Water Sugar ...

Shake the flowers free of dust and any insects, and put them in a jar along with the sliced lemons, vinsyren and sugar. Pour boiling water over. Stir in the mixture, and allow to stand in the 4-5 days. SI flowers and lemon slices, and pour the juice in c

Drinks (cold) Freshly ground pepper Garlic Tamari ...

Spinach leaves, celery and tomato juices. EVS. garlic juices with. Diluted with water, if desired, add freshly ground pepper and possibly. Tamari. Drunk within 15 min.

Drinks (cold) Lemon Apples Stalks Kale (or to taste) ...

4 apples 5 stalks Kale (or to taste) and 1/2 lemon juices. Is the lemon juices with organic can a bit of shell, it gives a nice "zing" in taste. Drunk within 15 min.

Drinks (cold) Lemon juice from here (or more) Green powder (herbal krams byggræs naturdrogeriets green intensity or similar) Apples juices ...

Apple and carrot juices separately and pour the juice in the blender. The juice from a lemon pour with. Green Intensity or similar is added. Everything blended and drunk within 15 min.