Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Drinks (cold) recipes

Drinks (cold) Byrrh Canadian club whisky Noilly prat ...

Stir with large ice particles. Orange slice on the rim of the glass.

Drinks (cold) Cherry brandy Lime or lemon juice Easy Rome ...

Shaken with ice and strained into cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Pernod Lemon juice Syrup ...

Shake with crushed ice and filtered in wide glass.

Drinks (cold) Dubonnet Gin Orange juice ...

Shake well with crushed ice and si. Decorate with red berries.

Drinks (cold) Lemon juice Van der hum liqueur Gin ...

Shaken and strained into cocktail glass.

Drinks (cold) Eisgekühlter bommerlunder aquavit Cherry brandy Lemon juice ...

Shake well with ice and strained. Put a Berry or a plum in the glass.