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Recipes with Tomato ketchup

Lunch Margarine for frying Pepper Rye flour ...

Herrings fried cooled and poured over with sheeting. Acetic and sugar cooked up with peppercorns and laur leaves. When it is slightly cooled, beat that ketckupi. It tastes good with a sea of thin onion rings on top. (much like in bed sheet also)

Mains Salt French mustard Curry ...

Fish fillets salt about 10 minutes, after which the tøres in some paper towel. Inserts porrene into small pieces and boil them in 2 min. Sauce: it all stirred together. Fish fillets out in a heat-proof platter, gravy poured over the top and finally adde

Dressing Salt Cayenne pepper White pepper ...

Stir in mayonnaise and sour cream together with tomato ketchup and season to taste with salt, pepper and cayenne.

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Chop fine the onion and the garlic is squeezed. Onions, garlic and worchestershire sauce, add the beef. It is seasoned with salt and pepper at will. Let it soak for 30 minutes in the refrigerator. Then let it rest outside the refrigerator for 20 minutes. Me

Mains A little oil Oregano Pepper ...

Thaw the spinach up and chop it coarsely with a knife. Fry chicken strips Golden in a little oil and Curry. Chop the onion and sauté it in a little oil in a pan. Blend the tomatoes and add to the onions along with cream, ketchup and all the spices. Let this sa

Mains Freshly ground pepper Pasta Edelsüss paprika ...

All the ingredients to mix kyllingelårne and kyllingelårne reversed in. Kyllingelårne FRY in oven 50 min at 200 ° c. Pasta is cooked on the instructions on the bag the screws. Pasta screws, rinse in cold water. The ingredients for the dressing is stirred

Appetizers Salt Lemon juice Tomato ketchup ...

drain tuna, come whipping cream in a bowl and share it fine with an electric beater. Pipes then mayonnaise, cremefraice, lemon juice, onion ketchup and salt in. melt the gelatin and stir the macerate well into the mix before the whipped cream as the last rever

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Salt Freshly squeezed lemon juice ...

Roll the sausage in a fixed spiral and then push the 12-14 sticks into the middle on a regular basis, they have to hand as the spokes on a wheel. Style wheel in the fridge until the party begins. For the sauce you fry the onion and garlic in butter in 6-7 m