Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Various Red food coloring Wheat flour Sugar ...

Mix everything in a bowl and add 1 tsp full vaniliesukker. set the oven at 200 degrees and place the cake in ovnén in 10 min.

Sides Lemon juice Fresh guard pepper Salt ...

Slice them into thick batons on well 1 cms thickness go 5 cm length. Cut the lget into tiny cubes. Saute the onion in the butter and pour a little water clearly on. Let the water vapour away. Beetroot and eddi core came into the pan. Sprinkle sukkert over them

Desserts (cold) Sugar Ground cinnamon Whipped cream ...

Beat the egg yolks, sugar and cinnamon fluffy and foamy Flip whipped foam of æggesnapsen and set the ice into the freezer 1 hour Stir regularly in the ice gently Flip the stiftpiskede egg whites in ice and set it back in the freezer Pipes a few times in the ic

Desserts (cold) Eggs Good vanilla ice cream or pistacieis Cinnamon ...

Cut 12 thin slices of a roll of Marzipan and put dempå a baking tray with baking paper and press them slightly flat. Brush with egg and sprinkle a little cinnamon and sugar on. Give chip-late 7-8 minutes at 200 degrees. Cool them on a rack and then store them

Bread, buns & biscuits Baking soda Cardamom Milk ...

1. Margarine is melted, if desired. in microwave oven 2. Milk & water add 3. The yeast is mixed in mixture 4. Add sugar, baking powder and cardamom 5. Stir in the flour and extra flour added until you get the right consistency. The dough should not be too

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Cinnamon Sunflower oil or corn oil to freely ring ...

Came the flour in a bowl and make a recess. In this break up the yeast. ½ Cup lukewarm water is stirred together with the yeast and some of the flour in the recess to a mush. Put a cloth over the bowl and place it in a warm place for 30 minutes. Then stir t

Drinks (cold) Coconut milk Crushed ice Soy milk el semi-skimmed milk ...

1 fault and nip jorbærene 2 blend Strawberry coconut milk and milk 3 got crushed ice in a glass and pour the mixture here of 4 servers smoothien with straws Tips: energy: 860kj protein 13% carbohydrate 57% fat 30%

Pickling Atamon, liquid Rhubarb Sugar ...

Rhubarb chop and boil in water on low heat for about 30 minutes. Sieve the juice through a cloth. Add the sugar and the juice boils up, atamon added Foam if necessary. the juice before it is poured into bottles The juice is mixed up with water (approx