Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Salt Baking soda ...

Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl. Whip the eggs. Add the oil, they together beaten egg and the grated squash. Bake in middle of oven at 175 degrees c. alm. oven until cake begins to detach from the form. Tips: Add if necessary. 100 grams of raisins

Desserts (warm) Naton Syrup Large eggs ...

the ingredients are mixed. FRY in frying pan at medium temprature in small blobs. Serve with whipped cream and syrup Tips: Instead before soda and baking soda should be used 2 teaspoons of "cream of tater", this may, however, not available in Denmark

Desserts (warm) Magarine Sugar Eggs ...

Put the ingredients in a bowl and stir into a soft mass. Let magarinen frying in the Pan and heel about 1 dl pancake mass on the Pan, let it roast for there is no more shine in the mass on the Pan and flip the pancake. Tips: Tip: Cool the pancakes of butt

Cakes in form Package tuc biscuits Hazelnuts Vanilla sugar ...

the crackers crushed nuts, chopped fine. biscuits, sugar, vanilla sugar and nuts mix well ´. Egg whites pískes stiff (the Bowl must be able to be turned upside down without the white flowing out) the invert gently wiping in the egg whites. Bake in a greased sp

Cakes in form Margarine Sugar Wheat flour ...

first turn on the oven at 175 g. then you maragrinen in a pan and melt while whips you sigh and eggs together. then add flour and milk and whips along the way. then you add the rest and whips it good. butter a springform (ca. 25 cm in dia.) is currently the c

Cookies Finhakket need of 2-3 oranges Wheat flour Butter ...

Stir in butter, sugar, polenta and flour together and add the orange zest and eggs. Tire Bowl with film and style the on ice 1 hour for dough has set for itself. put a piece of greaseproof paper on a baking sheet and set aside small dejtoppe with a teaspoon wi

Drinks (warm) A little sprinkle vanilla sugar Freeze dried instant coffee fx nescafè Sugar ...

Chocolate spoons: melt in a Bain Marie/Chokoladaden micro-oven. Stir in it occasionally. Put 4 eating spoons, e.g. in a deep dish, so heads is horizontal. Advantage the melted chocolate in skeerne. Let it cool scars on the kitchen table in the 1/2 hour. Sp

Cakes 50 g coarsely chopped chocolate. Baking soda Coarsely chopped hazelnuts ...

First, melt the margarine. Then stir the eggs and sugar together easily, turn the rest of the ingredients except for the melted margarine. Finally add the melted margarine. Place in a greased and floured baking pan, and bake at 170 degrees for about 20-30 m