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Recipes with Squash

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Mustard grains soaked ½ hour in cold water. Broccolien is divided into small florets, the stick can be cut into cubes. Squashen cut into six slices. Broccoli stick Sauté in butter. Fry the meat with. Broccoli tops, squash, broth, cream cheese, wine vineg

Sides Pepper Salt Freshly chopped parsley and Basil ...

Squashen rives, curing and draws at least ½ hour, then the aftrykkes of wetness. Stir in eggs, flour, herbs, salt and possibly. a little cottage cheese. Golden FRY in a little olive oil.

Mains Pepper Salt Squash ...

Slice 3 large onions and pepper-the fruits out in medium-sized pieces, and sauté them in butter and oil for 15 minutes. Then you add half the squash are also cut into medium-sized pieces with the Aubergine in the pan together with the onion. Let it stand fo

Mains Spice blend Lasagne sheets Mornay sauce ...

Sauté the meat in a little oil. Add the chopped onion, garlic and spices. Chop the vegetables coarsely and add them along with the peeled tomatoes. Simmer, covered, for 10 minutes. Season to taste and season if necessary. more. Arrange in a greased dish, assem

Mains Rice or mashed potatoes Salt Bacon, diced ...

Bacon FRY, sauté onion, meat Sauté, pour water over to cover. Let the law stand and simmer for 50 minutes. Sauté mushrooms and squash and put it in the Pan, then let it stand and simmer for 10 minutes. Regular with cream, season with salt and pepper. Add

Mains Potatoes or rice and grovflutes Pepper Broth ...

Put Turkey cuvetten with skin side down, and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Chop the sun-dried tomatoes coarsely and put them on the meat. Roll the meat along with the skin side facing outwards, and tie a string around it; Put the vegetables in a baking dish,

Mains Lemon pepper Pepper Salt ...

Remove if necessary. Ben from the fish and cut it into nice wide pieces. Put the fish on the baking paper or letsmurt alu-foil and sprinkle with salt and, if desired. a little ground pepper. Behind it in a 220 degrees c. alm. the oven is firm and white 6-8 min

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme, dried ...

Cut the salmon into 4 serving pieces and sprinkle them with salt, thyme and pepper. Arrow the onions and cut them into cubes. Squashene cut into thin slices. Sauté onion and squashene 5-6 minutes in a frying pan for about half of the oil. Take the vegetable