Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spaghetti

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut the bacon into cubes and fry it in a saucepan with the garlic and oil. Roof box the role of heat when the bacon according to desire is blank or crisp. Whisk the eggs in a bowl and stir in the cream in with Parmesan, pepper and salt. The cream can udelaades

Sides Chives Curry Butter ...

Cook the pasta according to instructions on package, Peel the carrots and cut them into thin sticks, and sauté them in the fat with added Curry for about 3 minutes. Add the sour cream and water and let the sauce cook up. Mix now in the cooked pasta. Decorating

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Chop the onion and garlic, Getting oil in a pan, pour the first sample contained therein. Let them be transparent. Then came white buds in. Saute the cards of. Then came the meat in and let it Brown. Add the chopped tomatoes with oregano and salt and pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Curry ...

Melt the butter and add the karryen. Chop the onions and sauté them with curry butter along with the meat. Add the sliced potatoes and carrots together with 1/2 litres of water, season with salt and pepper. Cook over low heat for 15 minutes. Break spaghetti

Mains A little wheat flour for Breading Olive oil for frying Pepper ...

Parmesan, eggs, parsley whipped together and made cold. Sauté onion and garlic Golden and add the chopped tomatoes. The sauce tasted with salt, oregano and pepper. Spaghetti cooked al dente. Schnitzlerne be placed in small plastic bag and beaten flat with h

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Koteletterne sprinkled with salt and pepper and Brown on both sides in oil and butter in a frying pan. Koteletterne taken up and placed in a heat-proof platter. All the ingredients for the gratineringen stirred together and spread over koteletterne. Kotelet

Mains Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Olive oil is poured on the forehead, and baconet cut out in fine small cubes and Brown in olive oil, and while gold brought the water to boil the spaghetti. The eggs are whisked together in a bowl. When the spaghetti is cooked al dente, and the water is pou

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Whipped cream ...

Cut the rind from the bacon and cut it in thin strips. Gently fry them crispy on one forehead for even heat. Be taken up and afdryppes on paper towel. Came the pasta in a large pot of boiling water and cook until the games ' al dente '. Afdryppes in straine