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Recipes with Smoked salmon sliced

Appetizers Cucumber Pepper Salt ...

MOSS it drained tunkød with dill and stir in mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, pepper and grated onion. Melt the soaked gelatin over water bath, add lemon juice and stir it in tunblandingen. Whip the cream and turn it in. The crust of toast cut the bread,

Appetizers Cherry tomatoes Green dill Shrimp ...

Sour cream and seafood salt mix. A tortilla and upstairs are lubricated in a thin layer of cream f. + skyldyrssalat and a little smoked salmon. This is repeated for all 6 tortillas are used. When it has drawn approximately ½ day one can correct the edges of "

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Husblasen soak in cold water for five minutes. be taken up and melted in a water bath. Salmon mixes in blender or foodprocesser together with fish soup-cream and dill. The melted gelatin stirred in mousse and season with lemon juice-salt and pepper. The smoked

Appetizers Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Lay salmon slices out on baking paper caviarcremen on butter and ruld it as a roulade put it in the fridge 1-2 hours and cut it into slices of about 1 1/2 cm (can be frozen)

Lunch Oil Parsley Chives ...

Butter cooked up with Ginger is crushed in a garlic presses. A round shape on 5-8 cm greased with oil and karoffelskiver and salmon in alternating layers. Between the layers lubricated with butter and seasoned with salt and pepper. At the top of a potato slice

Mains A little garlic A little wasabi (Japanese horseradish) or alm. grated horseradish Soft tortilla wraps ...

Pipe flødeosten and season to taste with horseradish, if applicable. a little crushed garlic. Butter with a spatula tortillaerne with the cheese-Wide salad over, then a layer of salmon slices. Scroll tortillaerne together, one by one and wrap them indivi

Salads Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

The smoked salmon cut into strips and mix with shrimp and asparagus pieces a bowl. (Use canned asparagus drained the first). Stir in oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and mustard together and pour over salmon, shrimp and asparagus. Let it soak for about 15 min. Rinse

Mains Fresh basil Fresh dill A little chopped garlic ...

Olive oil, white wine vinegar, Basil and garlic blend and season with salt and pepper. Cut the zucchini into thin slices, put them in a bowl and pour the marinade over. Mix with roughly chopped dill. Cook balsamic vinegar forcefully, to the beginning to get th