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Recipes with Skimming milk

Breakfast & brunch Salt Eggs Oil ...

Stir the ingredients together. Stir the pancakes on the forehead preferably without excessive fat on a slip-on pan. tips: Serve these delicious pancakes with sugar and lemon juice. It gives a good taste

Sandwiches Oil Salt Water ...

Start by setting the oven at 180 degrees. Take the water and warm it until it is little finger warm. Now take the yeast and mix it together. Mix "yeast mixture", milk, sugar, salt, egg, melted butter and wheat flour. Now pour the dough thoroughly for approx. 5

Drinks (warm) Cocoa Skimming milk ...

foam egg cream milk pour in a jug of 2dl came there after 2spk cocoa in milk tubes around doing the same in the second mug came a glass at a time into the mikrobøgle oven and give it 1 min look after that it not boils over when it's out may be accepted a l

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker ...

milk sugar vaniliesukker salt soda cinnamon whipped together then add the grated carrots and chopped chocolate raisins added/squas finally stir in flour and baking powder. cake Bake at 200 degrees C in the middle of the oven for 50 minutes in form 20 x 30

Cakes in form Salt Bicarbonate of soda Vaniliesukker ...

milk whipped with sugar cinnamon vaniliesukker salt soda then add the grated carrots and raisins and the chopped nuts and squas chocolate added to finally stir flour and baking powder in

Desserts (cold) Sugar Cream cheese light 16% (URf.eks. philadelphia light) Lemons grated Peel and juice ...

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend it well. Pour the mixture into a bowl and freeze the ice at least 6 hours. Take the Bowl out and whip the ice with a fork a few times before ismassen has been frozen. Before serving made the ice in refrigerator abou