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Recipes with Rome

Bread, buns & biscuits Powdered sugar, for garnish Eggs, beaten together Grated orange zest ...

A baking sheet brushed with melted butter or oil. Mix the raisins, currants, lemon peel and cocktail cherries in a bowl. Stir in rum, cover with film and leave it for at least 2 hours, or to the rum is absorbed by the fruit. Yeast dissolved in hand hot wate

Desserts (cold) Cinnamon Vanilla Isinglass ...

Soak isinglass up in cold water for 5 min. Pressure it and melt it in a water bath, along with ROM and a spoonful of water. Mix ricotta cheese, sugar and 100 g chopped nuts. Add the melted gelatin, and invert it in the mixture. Advantage mixture into 4 indi

Desserts (patisserie) A little Holly Nuts Red pyntebær ...

Bottom: beat the eggs and sugar for a very long time, so it will be white and thick. Sift flour and cocoa and flip it in the batter without touching too much. Wide dough out on a piece of wax paper or roll form and behind the bottom 8-10 min at 200 ° until it

Cakes in form Icing sugar to sprinkle Orange, grated must of Rome ...

Heat the oven to 180 °. Stir in butter, sugar and vanilla sugar together well. Add the eggs-one at a time. Stir well between each egg. Mix flour and baking soda together and turn it gently into the dough. Com half of dough over in another bowl. Stir in grated

Desserts (patisserie) EVS. small fresh Peppermint leaves A little gold dust Red currant jelly ...

Grate the marcipanen on the delicate part of the tearing iron. Mix the icing sugar and antler salt well and term it in marcipanen. Beat the egg whites to a slight foam (not stiff). Tube marzipan mixture along with the egg whites to the macaroon batter. Fill it

Desserts (patisserie) Possibly small fresh Peppermint leaves A little gold dust Red currant jelly ...

Grate the marcipanen on the delicate part of the tearing iron. Mix the icing sugar and antler salt well and term it in marcipanen. Beat the egg whites to a slight foam (not stiff). Tube marzipan mixture along with the egg whites to the macaroon batter. Fill it

Cakes Wienerbrødsdej Icing Butter ...

Roll the dough out on floured board into an oblong plate ca. 20 * 40 cm. Pipe the filling together and butter it on but not all the way to the edge. Sprinkle raisins on, and roll it along. Cut into 1 ½ cm pieces and put on the plate with wax paper. Press the s

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Dry tenderloin with paper towels and sprinkle salt and pepper on. Peel an orange, cut the white of the shell and cut it into very thin strips and boil them 5 minutes in water. SI water from and save strips for the sauce. Squeeze the juice of the oranges.