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Recipes with Pepper

Salads Green Salad A little sweet chilli sauce Oil ...

Remove seeds from melon and cut the rest into coarse pieces. Mix them with the salad. Vegetable juice and chilli sauce mix and pour over the salad. The mushrooms toasting and sprinkled around. Served on its own or as an accompaniment to fish or poultry.

Lunch A little sugar Pepper Salt ...

Honey, Orange and lemon juice, fintsnittet garlic and water mix and cooked thoroughly. The mushrooms toasting for themselves with salt, pepper and a sprinkle of sugar. Mix the mushrooms up in honey lagen and server for a piece of toast or fried meat.

Sides A little sugar Oil Pepper ...

The onions peeled, chop finely and Brown lightly in oil. The apples cut into fine boats and place in the Pan, where they warmed through 3-4 minutes at her shift heat along with the onions. The redecorated mushrooms seasoned with salt, sugar and pepper, and roa

Sides A little oil Pepper Salt ...

The juice of oranges, grapefruit and the peeled, chopped tomatoes are cooked slow down to half. Mushrooms seasoned with salt and pepper, shake the map on the forehead, and reversed so up in the sauce. Served with Turkey or other poultry.

Lunch Tarragon A little oil Pepper ...

White onions peeled and put over to boil until they are well tender. Mash them well with a fork, and stir them up in oil, tarragon, salt, pepper, lemon juice and parsley. Season the mushrooms with salt and pepper and turn them on a map through the hot pan in a

Mains Dill Oil Pepper ...

Cut the spring onions fine and warm them too weak to sleep in a little oil with curry and chili sauce. Got coconut milk at and let it boil well through. Grate mushrooms and getting them up in coconut sauce and serve with pasta or rice.

Mains Pepper Salt Vinegar ...

The meat is cut into large tærninger. Sample tampering. The oil heats, the meat is Brown on all sides. Salt and pepper, Bay leaves, onion, Rosemary, tomatoes in both, water and wine are added. Set over low heat and boil about 2 hours. Who is stirred occasio

Mains Coarse salt Minced parsley Aromatic bouquet ...

Turn the oksebryst pieces in flour, brown them in oil and put it in a small baking pan. Sprinkle salt and pepper over. Cut the carrots into coins and the onions into cubes and fry it in oil. Pour white wine and broth by. Mix the crushed garlic, salt and pepper