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Recipes with Pepper

Sides Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Eggs and oil to room temperature before you start. The egg yolks are met in a round-bottomed Bowl and stirred cool with dijon mustard and some salt. A few drops of lemon juice stirred in, after which the first half dl of oil is added Dropwise during heavy whip

Sides Lemon juice Pepper Salt ...

Eggs and oil to room temperature before you start. The egg yolks are met in a round-bottomed Bowl and stirred cool with dijon mustard and some salt. A few drops of lemon juice stirred in, after which the first half dl of oil is added Dropwise during heavy whip

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

The raisins, pinjekernene and breadcrumbs blended quickly along with salt and pepper. Pieces of meat are changed in a little olivennolie, and then on both sides in the mixture. A piece of cheese placed on each slice of meat. The meat is rolled as tightly as po

Mains Pepper Salt Hvidkåls main ...

Peel, remove the seeds and cut flesh græskarret in large cubes of approximately 4 x 4 x 4 cm. Arrow and chop onion, garlic and chilli and fry it gently in oil in a pan. Cashews, air-dried white cabbage, turmeric and curry powder is added and after 5 minutes

Soups Pepper Salt Nutmeg ...

Chop pumpkin and spinach finely and leave to simmer for a bit of water. Cut the onions in slices and sauté them Golden in butter. Add the pumpkin and spinach and broth and chopped tomatoes. Let the soup simmer about 20 mins before the season with spices. Serve

Sides Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Græskarret cut out into small pieces and cooked tender in salted water just covers. 2 dl cream is added and then maizenamel udrørt in cold water. The sauce is cooked up, to achieve a smooth consistency. The gravy taste with spices.

Cold cuts Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Pumpkin crunch peeled and cut into smaller parts that are cooked tender in about 30 mins. Pumpkin pieces are taken out of the water and are blended. The other parts are added after the onions and garlic are minced fine. That season with spices and bake in a gr

Sides Oil or frying fat to udbagning Pepper Salt ...

Pumpkin peeled off and freed from cores. Cut into 3 cm-thick pieces and then into thin slices. Heat the oil. Turn the pumpkin slices in flour and sprinkle the excess flour. Fry them Golden in the hot oil. Take them up and put them on the fat-sucking paper or p