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Recipes with Pepper

Salads Pepper Salt Nutmeg ...

Boil the beans with muskat 10-12 minutes. Drip them and got them in a bowl. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Mix potatoes and tomatoes in onion and parsley in.. sprinkle Stir yogurt, oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper together and pour dressing over the salad.

Salads Fresh Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Cut the peppers into cubes and toss all the ingredients together with Marjoram, salt and pepper. Let it stand and pull in an hour.

Salads Oil Pepper Butter ...

Advantage of the salad on serving plates. Cut the crust of loaves and cut them into cubes. Fry them crispy on the Pan in butter with crushed garlic. Let them drain in fatty sucking paper. Cut the bacon into small cubes and fry them in their own fat and getting

Salads Pepper Salt Water ...

The beans nippes and boil in salted water for 4-5 minutes, until tender but still has bite. Let them afdryppe in a sieve. Chop the onion and garlic and fry them in the oil for 2 min. Add beans, tabasco, chopped parsley and water. Let the salad simmer for 3 min

Mains Citronmelisse leaves Pepper Salt ...

Meat FRY in oil first 10 minutes with the skin downwards, then 5 minutes on the other side. Account shall be taken of the forehead and seasoned with salt and pepper. Celery is peeled and cut into thin slices and then into small rods. Apples cut into bars. C

Salads Friséesalat Pepper Salt ...

Twisting stems of the artichokes. It is important that the twisting stems of the artichokes. Then follows the most serious characters with. The leaves should not be used in this law and may not be saved to the next day. Then boil them in salted water 35-45 min

Salads Pepper Salt Mustard ...

Arrow ægggene and share them in slices on an egg sharing. Rinse the salad, swirl the leaves dry and picking them. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into strips. Pour væden from artichoke bottoms and cut them into quarters. Arrow and finely chop the onion and garl

Salads Pepper Salt Black olives ...

Stir oil with lemon juice and add the parsley, salt and pepper. Liberate the peppers for frøstol and grains. Cut into narrow strips. Mix bell peppers, onions, tomatoes and capers. It came in a half deep casserole dish. Arrow the eggs and cut them into slices.