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Recipes with Peeled tomatoes

Cold cuts A little whipping cream A little bread crumbs Pepper ...

Mushrooms cleaned and chopped finely with a knife. Chop chop. All ingredients are stirred together and shaped like a French bread. This put in a greased casserole dish, which poured 1-2 cans peeled tomatoes. Prepared in oven 175-200 degrees for about 1 hour. T

Mains Green beans without seeds Cardamom Curry ...

Sauté the meat in oil with garlic, onion and spices. Add the vegetables (wait with the chili at the very end). Boil right until the meat is tender. Add the lemon juice. Let the whole chili cook with until it has delivered so much flavor, it would. Ser

Mains Air-dried green salad Hard-boiled chopped eggs Pepper ...

Sauté the meat in a little fat, onion chopped and added. ¼ l water is added and the whole boiling approximately 45 min. Mushrooms, cleaned and chopped or split into quarters, FRY in a frying pan, bean sprouts and cocktail sausages added. It's all mixed in k

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

The meat is shaped into 4 steaks, Brown in butter in a frying pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. The steaks are taken up. The onions chopped and toasting lightly on the forehead. Came the peeled tomatoes and mash them a little. Let it boil well through.

Mains Paprika Pepper Parsley ...

First you need to cut the meat into cubes and Brown in a pan with butter. Tag so the meat up again. Fry the chopped onion in the pan until they are transparent. Put the meat back in the Pan, cut the peppers into strips and add them with the tomatoes. Right

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Pepper Salt ...

Tomato sauce: cut the onion into rings and fry it in oil with pressed garlic. Add the peeled tomatoes, tomato paste, water, Bay leaves and Rosemary. Cook the sauce over a low heat for about 15 minutes, take the Laurel leaves up and refrigerate the sauce. Lamb

Breakfast & brunch Parsley Lemon pepper Garlic salt ...

Put eggs into cold water. Let them boil for 10 minutes. Arrow the onion and chop it finely. Cut bacon into very small pieces. Cleanse the fresh mushrooms and cut them into slices. Melt the butter in a skillet. Gently fry the onions, bacon pieces and mushrooms.

Mains Oil for Browning Pepper Salt ...

Brown the meat in the oil in frying pan or saucepan, then Brown the other ingredients, except beans and broth. The sauce tasted to (with care;-)) it all passed down in the roaster, and wetted the Court concludes with a lid of beans, doused with the broth. 1 1/