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Recipes with Mushroom

Mains 1.5 dl. sour cream 3 tbsp. Sherry Pepper ...

Cut the meat into strips, approximately velafpudsede. 5 cm. long. Chop the onions. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into quarters. Brown the meat in browned butter by excessive heat. Then take the meat up the pan. Brown the onions, and now came the meat back i

Salads Pepper Salt Radishes ...

Rinse the salad and drizzle the dry in a sieve. If you are using heart salad, tearing it into little pieces. Cut the rodenden of the mushrooms, rinse them and cut them into slices. 'S peanuts and cut them into slices. Cut the bacon into cubes and grate t

Mains Red pepper or green pepper Salt Parsley ...

Onions and mushrooms chopped. Sauté the onions in the margarine in a saucepan. The meat in and fry with. Mushroom, tomatoes, broth, paprika and salt added. The Court småkoger, covered, for 10 minutes, and in the right horn Soup twirls a further 10 min. Chopped

Mains Crushed black pepper Paprika Salt ...

Share the meat into four and form the steaks flat about 10 cm in diameter. Red onion and mushroom finthakkes and white onion grated or pressed. FRY in margarine or butter. Season with salt, pepper and paprika. Put the filling on one half of each steak and flip

Sides Pepper Salt Maizenamel ...

Mushrooms, cleaned and cut into slices. Melt some butter in a pan and saute the mushrooms, then a moment therein, after which the cream is added. Allow the mixture to tingle slightly and smooth it with corn flour to a fairly thick stew which must be cooked tho

Mains White pepper Salt Lemon juice ...

Slice the beef and pork tenderloin in goulash-sized cubes, about 2 cm. pull the membrane of the liver and liver cut into bite-sized cubes. Serve meat, liver and cocktail sausages in bowls. Cut the bottom of the mushrooms. Rinse them under running water and Pat

Mains Garlic Curry Paprika ...

Each chicken is split into 8 parts. Onion peeled and chopped fine, leek is cleaned of soil, sliced and cut into fine thin half moons. The root is cut by the mushrooms and quarter. Chicken pieces Sauté in hot oil until browned evenly and uniform in 10 min., be

Mains Pepper Salt Maizenamel ...

Scallions, mushrooms and red peppers cleaned and cut into cubes. The pig meat in a pan without fat and FRY. Add the vegetables and sauté it all well together. The peeled tomatoes added with the pressed garlic and spices. The Court stands and some grue