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Recipes with Mushroom

Sauces Parsley White wine Broth ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Sauté them with finely chopped parsley in the butter. Wash the tomato and cut the small out. Chop the onion finely. Add the tomato and onions to the mushrooms. Babies with white wine and a little of the broth and l

Mains Tarragon Pasta Chives ...

Rinse and dry the plaice fillets. Stir the butter with salt, tarragon, dill and chives. Favor butter mixture on the fillets and roll them together. Arrow and chop the onion finely. Cut the tomatoes into cubes and mushrooms into slices. Sauté the vegetables

Mains Lemon-carrot sauce Stuffed Tomatoes Pepper ...

Fillets of plaice were found inside or buy them as fillets Sprinkle the fillets with salt and pepper, halve them lengthwise and roll them together. Style rollers in an ovenproof dish with low edges and pour white wine over. Bake in the oven for 10 minutes a

Mains Pepper Salt Pickled lingonberry ...

Animal Club rubbed on all sides with a mixture of fresh squeezed garlic and crushed juniper berries. Half of the butter in a frying pan and Brown the roast well on all sides and seasoned with salt and pepper. Turn down. Pour the hot Fund over and cook 2-2 ½ ho

Mains Mushroom Green beans Turnip greens or celery ...

Club meeting gently boned and spread out on the table. There sprinkled with salt and pepper and a large dose of coarsely chopped vegetables. The meat is folded together and binds the cotton string around. Sprinkle with salt and pepper, put the mallet in a roas

Mains Mashed potatoes by 1 kg. potatoes Pepper Salt ...

Breast meat insert into strips. Bacon FRY on low heat in saucepan or wok for approx. 10 min. Bacon and chicken strips Brown card in the rendered fat. The chicken is taken up again and the cleaned mushrooms and diced onions come in the pan. Red pepper and ho

Mains Madkulør Paprika Pepper ...

Pig de-fat and cut into 2-3 cm. slices and sauté in the pan with salt, pepper and paprika. Put in a large pot. Onions, mushrooms, sausages and bacon Sauté and poured together with. Sauce: make Brittany gravy as on package, in another saucepan and pour t

Mains Sweet chilli Oil Bell Peppers in large cubes ...

The potatoes are boiled and peeled carefully. The meat is cut into smaller cubes-a total of 24 pieces. The ingredients are put on grillspydene (8 in total): Potato-meat-onion-mushroom-meat-kartofel-cherry tomatoes-meat-pepper-potato. The ingredients are