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Recipes with Ginger

Mains Avocado Tarragon vinegar Spring onions ...

Halve the chickens and put them in a greased, not too large roasting pan. Chop onion and garlic very finely and mix it in the butter together with the spices. Butter mixture on the chicken pieces and put the baking pan in a 225-degree warm oven for about 50 mi

Cookies Syrup Strong coffee Ginger ...

Butter, sugar and syrup is heated to just below the boiling point, coffee and spices is added. Allow to cool completely, kneaded with flour and bicarbonate of soda and put cold ca. 2 hours. Deploying not too thin and set out for small hearts drawn on cotton

Desserts (patisserie) Apricots Cocktail cherries or other fruit Mandarins ...

Eggs and powdered sugar whipped to a very thick foam. All the spices, bagepulveret and flour mix well and sifted into egg mixture, in which the batter be reversed easily with a spoon. Distributed in 3 well-oiled molds. Bake about 10 minutes at 200 degrees i

Cakes Carnations Eggs Ginger ...

Slipped and chopped almonds. Honey, brown sugar and margarine is melted together in a saucepan. The other ingredients, except eggs and flour, stir in the cooled Mass until it is lukewarm.. Stir in egg and flour and the dough is kneaded together. The doug

Mains Onion Salt Cayenne pepper ...

The chicken into serving pieces and skinet is removed. Each piece chop a little on each side. Put the pieces on a platter and sprinkle with the eastern half of the salt and squeeze the juice of one lemon over. Turn the chicken pieces and pour the juice of a

Pickling Atamon Dill crowns Ginger ...

Dot the tomatoes and make a layer of cooked-cold-water, vinegar and salt, put the tomatoes in it overnight. Boil 4 cups of this brine with sugar, ginger, cinnamon and tomatoes,-slightly-in 8 min, and place in glass. The brine is boiled into the ca. 20 mi

Cakes Glaze Almond pulp Ginger ...

Stir in eggs and sugar foamy. Turn the flour in with the spices and the chopped nuts and dates. Form the dough into balls about 2 cm. in diameter. Set of 3 balls and 3 on a greased plate. Press them lightly together. Behind the cakes in a hot oven at 200 de

Appetizers Icing sugar Oil Pepper ...

Sauté meat, finely chopped onion, ginger, saffron, cinnamon, salt and pepper o olive oil in a pan for about 2 minutes. Add a little water, put a lid on the pot and cook on low heat about 15 minutes until meat is tender. Take the meat up and let it cool off.