Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Coarse salt

Mains Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt East Indian curry ...

Cranberry Dressing: Chop the cranberries well and turn them together with fry, salt and pepper. Put the dressing covered in the refrigerator for at least 15 minutes. Taste like Clean the seafood fillets and cut them into 8 equal pieces. Let half of the fat b

Lunch (to go) Freshly ground pepper Eggs (2 if they are small) Coarse salt ...

Chop loosely and mix it with the rest of the ingredients in a bowl. Stir vigorously with a spoon for a couple of minutes until the father starts collecting. Have a good time, so style your father to rest in the fridge for an hour. Then the meatballs must be

Mains Pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Set the oven to 80 degrees hot air. Rid the duck breast fat layer lacquered (but be careful not to cut the meat). The meat is rubbed with salt and pepper - get well into the skin. A pan is warmed up and the fritters are laid with the grease side down an

Mains Various spices according to taste not too many Coarse pepper Coarse salt ...

Hot air oven at 180 degrees 1 fry dish is lubricated with oil, the beef breast is cut obliquely in the grease / lower edge about 3 places, put in the dish and lubricated with residual oil, seasoned and fry. The vegetables are cut roughly and when the stalk ga

Sides Coarse salt Crumbs of 1/3 filone or endet Italian bread Pepper ...

Cook well, fine potatoes with garbage until they are barely tender, so the crumbs are ready. Tear the bread well, but not as rasp, in food processor or blender. Shake the bread slowly in olive oil in a sturdy, deep, cured pan. When they start to get crisp, ad

Mains Coarse salt Wheat flour Sugar ...

Dissolve yeast in the water (30 degrees). Mix the rest with the water, but add a little flour to and knead. Eat the dough really well and allow it to rise under a double-size dish for about 1 hour. There is enough for 2 baking plates, and if you want a t

Dressing Freshly ground pepper Coarse salt Whipping cream (preferably organic) ...

Stir tenderloin, cream, lemon juice / shell, sugar, salt and pepper well together and style the dressing covered in the fridge for at least ½ hour. Taste like Serve the cold sour dressing to a green salad with berries. tips: You can use seasonal berries

Mains Freshly ground pepper Picked flat-leaf parsley Whole cinnamon or offended at will ...

Oksefrikadeller: Crush the casserole into a mortar or chop it. Stir the meat with salt and pepper for approx. 1 min. Add the cumin and other ingredients and stir well. Place it covered in the refrigerator like 1 hour. Shape the fry portions a little big and p