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Mains recipes

Mains Plenty of water Salt Corned-beef tongue ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Mains Freshly ground pepper A little grated cheese to taste Salt ...

melt margarine and saute onions and mushrooms in it. When this is nicely browned, take it up and fry the meat. then put onions and mushrooms back in the Pan and add the tomato paste and broth. season with salt, pepper, timiam and oregano. Butter a baking di

Mains Flute Marjoram Pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin rings. Place them in a greased ovenproof dish taglagt and sprinkle salt, pepper and Marjoram between the layers. Pour the cream and the liquid from the tomatoes (no tomatoes) by the potatoes. Form 4 patties of minced

Mains Bacon, diced Oregano Paprika ...

Boil water for spaghetti. While you are cutting the sausages over. When the water boils, put you in the spaghetti. 15 mins before the spaghetti is done, you will find a bowl and mixes, ketchup, cream, garlic and spices in, mixes it together (it must not

Mains (to turn kotteleterne into gemg something to remember that jeven Gravy with) Wheat flour Paprika ...

Flip kotteleterne in flour mixture and fry them Golden on the forehead in magarinden. Like those in a heat-proof casks. Chop the onion. put first becon on on gang and fry them a little, that after løgen and let them be Sauté a little. Tag there after 1-2 sps

Mains Div. desired spices Eggs to swabs packages with Onion ...

One finhakker onion and fry it with the meat. On request you can flavour it is, but it is not absolutely necessary. You divide each fillet plate over in two or three and they rolled out to the desired size. Butter plates with pikantost now. The thickness of

Mains Pepper Plenty of water Salt ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin

Mains A little suit Pepper Plenty of water ...

Tongue out in ample fresh water and brought to the boil. The Pan lightly, and that tasted on the water, tastes it not as salt can add salt, but it is usually not necessary. Boil 1 ½-2 hours. When the tongue is cooled slightly by then removed the outer skin