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Mains recipes

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

The meat is baked in a pan in the margarine and sprinkle with salt and pepper and put in a soaked stegeso. The onions are cut into quarters, carrots peeled and divided into spelled, put into a small frying pan. Put the pan in a hot oven and pour water. The

Mains Parmesan cheese Cream French bread (no crust) ...

Silver beans (or spinach) are steamed in very little water, sieved, and put into the blender. Chicken fillet, salt, pepper, cream, french bread, 100 g of parmesan added. It all blends into a soft texture. The lasagna plates are boiled tenderly but must be f

Mains Basil Olive oil Oregano ...

The lid is chopped and sliced ​​in olive oil on the pan with sausages or bacon until golden. Salt, pepper, basil and oregano are added to taste. Green beans and peas are boiled in water with a little salt added and then turned into the mixture on the pan af

Mains Pepper Salt Red pepper ...

Start chopping the parsley, pine nuts and peppers very well and pour into a bowl. Rucola is rinsed free of evtuelle soil residue and then poured into the bowl. Add 1-2 tablespoons of rapeseed oil, salt and pepper. The pasta: Bring a large pot of salted wate

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop onion / garlic and spoon in oil with spices for a few minutes. Add peeled tomatoes, orange juice, sugar, salt and pepper. Let the dish spin for about ½ hour. Cut the peppers into fine strips and 5 x 5 cm fish. Add the peppers and simmer for 5 minutes. Tas

Mains Cooking cream or whipping cream Easy potatoes or fettucine Sweet white wine ...

Chop tomatoes, onions and oyster hats. Stir bacon shortly in a preheated pan. Just for a minute. Pour off the waist and put it away from the heat. Heat a sauté pan and pour rapeseed oil. Brown brown bread for about 2 minutes on each side and add bacon, c

Mains 3 grain pepper Salt All the comments ...

Potatoes cut into slices and boil approx. 10 min. Smoked medisers and slices cut into slices are added together with the bowl and cooked for a further 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper

Mains Butter/margarine for frying Chicken cut up in pieces 8-10 Sherry ...

The marinade: Farin dissolves in the coffee Soy and sherry added The chicken is marinated (easiest in plastic bag) for 4 hours and preferably one day. The chicken is drained and dried. The dishes are browned in a saucepan. Then spoon a little while with the