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Mains recipes

Mains Parsley Leaf celery Broth ...

Sprinkle the ham with smoked pork and brown it in butter in a thick pot with an onion cut into slices, a carrot, a stalk of celery and parsley. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. When it is browned pour a large glass of white wine and then a large glass of broth o

Mains Sour cream 18% or ymer EVS honey Pepper ...

Sprinkle the quails with the spoon and fry in butter in a saucepan with high heat until they are browned. Then screw it down and the junk berries easily broken into a mortar are added. After 3-4 minutes, white wine is added and the quails boil for approx. 15 m

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Preheat the oven to 175 degrees. Put the quails in a flame dish. Mix rum, honey and chilisovs in a bowl. Season with salt and pepper. Brush the guardrails. Pour them in the oven for 30 minutes. Remove the quails and cook the dish with broth. Put the quails on

Mains A little parsley Pepper Salt ...

The hair is divided into smaller pieces, part the thighs in the joint between the thighs and legs and divide the back in 3-4 pieces across. The batter is cut into small cubes and browned with the harness pieces for approx. 75 g of butter - this is best done i

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Herbal parties mentioned in the previous recipe, and the pieces are baked in butter on a pan or in a saucepan, seasoned with salt and pepper and small stews with a little of the broth under the hood for 1-1½ hours. During the frying, add a little more broth an

Mains EVS. a little saffron A little soya Meljævning ...

The chicken is rubbed with salt, ginger and peppers. Then fill with pieces of apples, pear and banana - peeled. Tie together and put the chicken with your chest up in a refractory dish. Brush with oil and soy. Stir without lid in the oven on a shelf at the bot

Mains Meljævning Pepper Salt ...

The phasan is cut into 4-8 pieces and browned in a pan and gradually put into a frying pan, preferably with the heart. Salt and a little pepper sprinkle on. The frying pan is boiled with broth poured over the pheasant together with Madeira. Underneath the smal

Mains EVS. a little cornstarch A little game bouillon or chicken stock Pepper ...

Fingers are chopped with chopped veal and pork, eggs, grated apple, chopped parsley, salt and pepper. The fathers are distributed on the 4 breast pieces, which are tightened by wrapping with bacon, bacon or better yet with the fat net, if available. The bri